622.34—Gulf EEZ seasonal and/or area closures.
(a) Alabama SMZ.
The Alabama SMZ consists of artificial reefs and surrounding areas. In the Alabama SMZ, fishing by a vessel that is operating as a charter vessel or headboat, a vessel that does not have a commercial permit for Gulf reef fish, as required under § 622.4(a)(2), or a vessel with such a permit fishing for Gulf reef fish is limited to hook-and-line gear with three or fewer hooks per line and spearfishing gear. A person aboard a vessel that uses on any trip gear other than hook-and-line gear with three or fewer hooks per line and spearfishing gear in the Alabama SMZ is limited on that trip to the bag limits for Gulf reef fish specified in § 622.39(b) and, for Gulf reef fish for which no bag limit is specified in § 622.39(b), the vessel is limited to 5 percent, by weight, of all fish on board or landed. The Alabama SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 30°02.5′ | 88°07.7′ |
B | 30°02.6′ | 87°59.3′ |
C | 29°55.0′ | 87°55.5′ |
D | 29°54.5′ | 88°07.5′ |
A | 30°02.5′ | 88°07.7′ |
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 28°42.5′ | 84°24.8′ |
B | 28°42.5′ | 84°16.3′ |
C | 28°11.0′ | 84°00.0′ |
D | 28°11.0′ | 84°07.0′ |
E | 28°26.6′ | 84°24.8′ |
A | 28°42.5′ | 84°24.8′ |
(c) Reef fish longline and buoy gear restricted area.
A person aboard a vessel that uses, on any trip, longline or buoy gear in the longline and buoy gear restricted area is limited on that trip to the bag limits for Gulf reef fish specified in § 622.39(b)(1) and, for Gulf reef fish for which no bag limit is specified in § 622.39(b)(1), the vessel is limited to 5 percent, by weight, of all fish on board or landed. The longline and buoy gear restricted area is that part of the Gulf EEZ shoreward of rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed in Table 1, in Appendix B of this part.
(1) EEZ portion of Tortugas North.
The area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: From point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point B at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point C at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°00′00″ W. long.; thence along the line denoting the seaward limit of Florida′s waters, as shown on the current edition of NOAA chart 11434, to point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long.
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 24°33′00″ | 83°09′00″ |
B | 24°33′00″ | 83°05′00″ |
C | 24°18′00″ | 83°05′00″ |
D | 24°18′00″ | 83°09′00″ |
A | 24°33′00″ | 83°09′00″ |
(e) Shrimp/stone crab separation zones.
Five zones are established in the Gulf EEZ and Florida's waters off Citrus and Hernando Counties for the separation of shrimp trawling and stone crab trapping. Although Zone II is entirely within Florida's waters, it is included in this paragraph (e) for the convenience of fishermen. Restrictions that apply to Zone II and those parts of the other zones that are in Florida's waters are contained in Rule 46-38.001, Florida Administrative Code. Geographical coordinates of the points referred to in this paragraph (e) are as follows:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 28°59′30″ | 82°45′36″ |
B | 28°59′30″ | 83°00′10″ |
C | 28°26′01″ | 82°59′47″ |
D | 28°26′01″ | 82°56′54″ |
E | 28°41′39″ | 82°55′25″ |
F | 28°41′39″ | 82°56′09″ |
G | 28°48′56″ | 82°56′19″ |
H | 28°53′51″ | 82°51′19″ |
I 1 | 28°54′43″ | 82°44′52″ |
J 2 | 28°51′09″ | 82°44′00″ |
K | 28°50′59″ | 82°54′16″ |
L | 28°41′39″ | 82°53′56″ |
M 3 | 28°41′39″ | 82°38′46″ |
N | 28°41′39″ | 82°53′12″ |
O | 28°30′51″ | 82°55′11″ |
P | 28°40′00″ | 82°53′08″ |
Q | 28°40′00″ | 82°47′58″ |
R | 28°35′14″ | 82°47′47″ |
S | 28°30′51″ | 82°52′55″ |
T | 28°27′46″ | 82°55′09″ |
U | 28°30′51″ | 82°52′09″ |
1 Crystal River Entrance Light 1A. | ||
2 Long Pt. (southwest tip). | ||
3 Shoreline. |
Zone I is enclosed by rhumb lines connecting, in order, points A, B, C, D, T, E, F, G, H, I, and J, plus the shoreline between points A and J. It is unlawful to trawl in that part of Zone I that is in the EEZ from October 5 through May 20, each year.
Zone II is enclosed by rhumb lines connecting, in order, points J, I, H, K, L, and M, plus the shoreline between points J and M.
Zone III is enclosed by rhumb lines connecting, in order, points P, Q, R, U, S, and P. It is unlawful to trawl in that part of Zone III that is in the EEZ from October 5 through May 20, each year.
It is unlawful to place a stone crab trap in that part of Zone IV that is in the EEZ from October 5 through December 1 and from April 2 through May 20, each year.
It is unlawful to trawl in that part of Zone IV that is in the EEZ from December 2 through April 1, each year.
It is unlawful to place a stone crab trap in that part of Zone V that is in the EEZ from October 5 through November 30 and from March 16 through May 20, each year.
It is unlawful to trawl in that part of Zone V that is in the EEZ from December 1 through March 15, each year.
(f) Southwest Florida seasonal trawl closure.
From January 1 to 1 hour after official sunset on May 20, each year, trawling, including trawling for live bait, is prohibited in that part of the Gulf EEZ shoreward of rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
B 1 | 26°16.0′ | 81°58.5′ |
C | 26°00.0′ | 82°04.0′ |
D | 25°09.0′ | 81°47.6′ |
E | 24°54.5′ | 81°50.5′ |
M 1 | 24°49.3′ | 81°46.4′ |
1 On the seaward limit of Florida's waters. |
(g) Reef fish stressed area.
The stressed area is that part of the Gulf EEZ shoreward of rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed in Table 2, in Appendix B of this part.
A powerhead may not be used in the stressed area to take Gulf reef fish. Possession of a powerhead and a mutilated Gulf reef fish in the stressed area or after having fished in the stressed area constitutes prima facie evidence that such reef fish was taken with a powerhead in the stressed area. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to the following species: dwarf sand perch, hogfish, and sand perch.
A roller trawl may not be used in the stressed area. Roller trawl means a trawl net equipped with a series of large, solid rollers separated by several smaller spacer rollers on a separate cable or line (sweep) connected to the footrope, which makes it possible to fish the gear over rough bottom, that is, in areas unsuitable for fishing conventional shrimp trawls. Rigid framed trawls adapted for shrimping over uneven bottom, in wide use along the west coast of Florida, and shrimp trawls with hollow plastic rollers for fishing on soft bottoms, are not considered roller trawls.
(h) Texas closure.
From 30 minutes after official sunset on May 15 to 30 minutes after official sunset on July 15, trawling, except trawling for royal red shrimp beyond the 100-fathom (183-m) depth contour, is prohibited in the Gulf EEZ off Texas.
In accordance with the procedures and restrictions of the Fishery Management Plan for the Shrimp Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico, the RA may adjust the closing and/or opening date of the Texas closure to provide an earlier, later, shorter, or longer closure, but the duration of the closure may not exceed 90 days or be less than 45 days. Notification of the adjustment of the closing or opening date will be published in the Federal Register.
(i) Tortugas shrimp sanctuary.
The Tortugas shrimp sanctuary is closed to trawling. The Tortugas shrimp sanctuary is that part of the EEZ off Florida shoreward of rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
N 1 | 25°52.9′ | 81°37.9′ |
F | 24°50.7′ | 81°51.3′ |
G 2 | 24°40.1′ | 82°26.7′ |
H 3 | 24°34.7′ | 82°35.2′ |
P 4 | 24°35.0′ | 82°08.0′ |
1 Coon Key Light. | ||
2 New Ground Rocks Light. | ||
3 Rebecca Shoal Light. | ||
4 Marquessas Keys. |
Effective from April 11 through September 30, each year, that part of the Tortugas shrimp sanctuary seaward of rhumb lines connecting the following points is open to trawling: From point T at 24°47.8′ N. lat., 82°01.0′ W. long. to point U at 24°43.83′ N. lat., 82°01.0′ W. long. (on the line denoting the seaward limit of Florida's waters); thence along the seaward limit of Florida's waters, as shown on the current edition of NOAA chart 11439, to point V at 24°42.55′ N. lat., 82°15.0′ W. long.; thence north to point W at 24°43.6′ N. lat., 82°15.0′ W. long.
Effective from April 11 through July 31, each year, that part of the Tortugas shrimp sanctuary seaward of rhumb lines connecting the following points is open to trawling: From point W to point V, both points as specified in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section, to point G, as specified in paragraph (i)(1) of this section.
Effective from May 26 through July 31, each year, that part of the Tortugas shrimp sanctuary seaward of rhumb lines connecting the following points is open to trawling: From point F, as specified in paragraph (i)(1) of this section, to point Q at 24°46.7′ N. lat., 81°52.2′ W. long. (on the line denoting the seaward limit of Florida's waters); thence along the seaward limit of Florida's waters, as shown on the current edition of NOAA chart 11439, to point U and north to point T, both points as specified in paragraph (i)(2)(i) of this section.
(j) West and East Flower Garden Banks HAPC.
The following activities are prohibited year-round in the HAPC: Fishing with a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels.
(1) West Flower Garden Bank.
West Flower Garden Bank is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 27°55′22.8″ | 93°53′09.6″ |
B | 27°55′22.8″ | 93°46′46.0″ |
C | 27°49′03.0″ | 93°46′46.0″ |
D | 27°49′03.0″ | 93°53′09.6″ |
A | 27°55′22.8″ | 93°53′09.6″ |
(2) East Flower Garden Bank.
East Flower Garden Bank is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 27°59′14.4″ | 93°38′58.2″ |
B | 27°59′14.4″ | 93°34′03.5″ |
C | 27°52′36.5″ | 93°34′03.5″ |
D | 27°52′36.5″ | 93°38′58.2″ |
A | 27°59′14.4″ | 93°38′58.2″ |
(k) Closure provisions applicable to the Madison and Swanson sites, Steamboat Lumps, and the Edges.—
(1) Descriptions of areas.
The Madison and Swanson sites are bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 29°17′ | 85°50′ |
B | 29°17′ | 85°38′ |
C | 29°06′ | 85°38′ |
D | 29°06′ | 85°50′ |
A | 29°17′ | 85°50′ |
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 28°14′ | 84°48′ |
B | 28°14′ | 84°37′ |
C | 28°03′ | 84°37′ |
D | 28°03′ | 84°48′ |
A | 28°14′ | 84°48′ |
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 28°51′ | 85°16′ |
B | 28°51′ | 85°04′ |
C | 28°14′ | 84°42′ |
D | 28°14′ | 84°54′ |
A | 28°51′ | 85°16′ |
Within the Madison and Swanson sites and Steamboat Lumps, possession of Gulf reef fish is prohibited, except for such possession aboard a vessel in transit with fishing gear stowed as specified in paragraph (k)(4) of this section.
Within the Madison and Swanson sites and Steamboat Lumps during November through April, and within the Edges during January through April, all fishing is prohibited, and possession of any fish species is prohibited, except for such possession aboard a vessel in transit with fishing gear stowed as specified in paragraph (k)(4) of this section. The provisions of this paragraph, (k)(3), do not apply to highly migratory species.
For the purpose of paragraph (k) of this section, transit means non-stop progression through the area; fishing gear appropriately stowed means -
A longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys may remain on deck.
A trawl net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the trawl gear and must be secured.
A gillnet must be left on the drum. Any additional gillnets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.
A rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck. Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from the rod and reel. Sinkers must be disconnected from the down rigger and stowed separately.
Within the Madison and Swanson sites and Steamboat Lumps, during May through October, surface trolling is the only allowable fishing activity. For the purpose of this paragraph (k)(5), surface trolling is defined as fishing with lines trailing behind a vessel which is in constant motion at speeds in excess of four knots with a visible wake. Such trolling may not involve the use of down riggers, wire lines, planers, or similar devices.
For the purpose of paragraph (k) of this section, fish means finfish, mollusks, crustaceans, and all other forms of marine animal and plant life other than marine mammals and birds. Highly migratory species means tuna species, marlin (Tetrapturus spp. and Makaira spp.), oceanic sharks, sailfishes (Istiophorus spp.), and swordfish (Xiphias gladius ).
Closures of the Gulf shrimp fishery to reduce red snapper bycatch. During a closure implemented in accordance with this paragraph (l), trawling is prohibited within the specified closed area(s).
(1) Procedure for determining need for and extent of closures.
Each year, in accordance with the applicable framework procedure established in the FMP for the Shrimp Fishery in the Gulf of Mexico (FMP), the RA will, if necessary, establish a seasonal area closure for the shrimp fishery in all or a portion of the areas of the Gulf EEZ specified in paragraphs (l)(2) through (l)(4) of this section. The RA's determination of the need for such closure and its geographical scope and duration will be based on an annual assessment, by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center, of the shrimp effort and associated shrimp trawl bycatch mortality on red snapper in the 10-30 fathom area of statistical zones 10-21, compared to the 74-percent target reduction of shrimp trawl bycatch mortality on red snapper from the benchmark years of 2001-2003 established in the FMP. The framework procedure provides for adjustment of this target reduction level, consistent with the red snapper stock rebuilding plan and the findings of subsequent stock assessments, via appropriate rulemaking. The assessment will use shrimp effort data for the most recent 12-month period available and will include a recommendation regarding the geographical scope and duration of the closure. The Southeast Fisheries Science Center's assessment will be provided to the RA on or about March 1 of each year. If the RA determines that a closure is necessary, the closure falls within the scope of the potential closures evaluated in the FMP, and good cause exists to waive notice and comment, NMFS will implement the closure by publication of a final rule in the Federal Register. If such good cause waiver is not justified, NMFS will implement the closure via appropriate notice and comment rulemaking. NMFS intends that any closure implemented consistent with this paragraph (l) will begin on the same date and time as the Texas closure unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
(2) Eastern zone.
The eastern zone is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 29°14′ | 88°57′ |
B | 29°24′ | 88°34′ |
C | 29°34′ | 87°38′ |
D | 30°04′ | 87°00′ |
E | 30°04′ | 88°41′ |
F | 29°36′ | 88°37′ |
G | 29°21′ | 88°59′ |
A | 29°14′ | 88°57′ |
(3) Louisiana zone.
The Louisiana zone is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 29°09.1′ | 93°41.4′ |
B | 29°09.25′ | 92°36′ |
C | 28°35′ | 90°44′ |
D | 29°09′ | 89°48′ |
E | 28°57′ | 89°34′ |
F | 28°40′ | 90°09′ |
G | 28°18′ | 90°33′ |
H | 28°25′ | 91°37′ |
I | 28°21.7′ | 93°28.4′ |
A | 29°09.1′ | 93°41.4′ |
(4) Texas zone.
The Texas zone is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 29°09.1′ | 93°41.4′ |
B | 28°44′ | 95°15′ |
C | 28°11′ | 96°17′ |
D | 27°44′ | 96°53′ |
E | 27°02′ | 97°11′ |
F | 26°00.5′ | 96°57.3′ |
G | 26°00.5′ | 96°35.85′ |
H | 26°24′ | 96°36′ |
I | 26°49′ | 96°52′ |
J | 27°12′ | 96°51′ |
K | 27°39′ | 96°33′ |
L | 27°55′ | 96°04′ |
M | 28°21.7′ | 93°28.4′ |
A | 29°09.1′ | 93°41.4′ |
(m) Closures of the recreational fishery for red snapper.
The recreational fishery for red snapper in or from the Gulf EEZ is closed from January 1 through May 31 and from October 1 through December 31, each year. During a closure, the bag and possession limit for red snapper in or from the Gulf EEZ is zero.
(n) Gulf EEZ area closure related to Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Effective [May 11, 2010, all fishing is prohibited in the portion of the Gulf EEZ identified in the map shown on the NMFS Web site: http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/deepwater_horizon_oil_spill.htm.
(p) Closures of the Gulf group king mackerel gillnet fishery.
The gillnet fishery for Gulf group king mackerel in or from the Gulf EEZ is closed each fishing year from July 1 until 6:00 a.m. on the day after the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal holiday. The gillnet fishery also is closed during all subsequent weekends and observed Federal holidays, except for the first weekend following the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday which will remain open to the gillnet fishery provided a notification of closure of that fishery has not been filed under § 622.43(a). Weekend closures are effective from 6:00 a.m. Saturday to 6:00 a.m. Monday. Holiday closures are effective from 6:00 a.m. on the observed Federal holiday to 6:00 a.m. the following day. All times are eastern standard time. During these closures, a person aboard a vessel using or possessing a gillnet with a stretched-mesh size of 4.75 inches (12.1 cm) or larger in the southern Florida west coast subzone may not fish for or possess Gulf group king mackerel.
(q) Prohibitions applicable to bottom longline fishing for Gulf reef fish.
From June through August each year, bottom longlining for Gulf reef fish is prohibited in the portion of the Gulf EEZ east of 85°30′ W. long. that is shoreward of rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 28°58.70′ | 85°30.00′ |
B | 28°59.25′ | 85°26.70′ |
C | 28°57.00′ | 85°13.80′ |
D | 28°47.40′ | 85°3.90′ |
E | 28°19.50′ | 84°43.00′ |
F | 28°0.80′ | 84°20.00′ |
G | 26°48.80′ | 83°40.00′ |
H | 25°17.00′ | 83°19.00′ |
I | 24°54.00′ | 83°21.00′ |
J | 24°29.50′ | 83°12.30′ |
K | 24°26.50′ | 83°00.00′ |
Within the prohibited area and time period specified in paragraph (q)(1) of this section, a vessel with bottom longline gear on board may not possess Gulf reef fish unless the bottom longline gear is appropriately stowed, and a vessel that is using bottom longline gear to fish for species other than Gulf reef fish may not possess Gulf reef fish. For the purposes of paragraph (q) of this section, appropriately stowed means that a longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck; hooks cannot be baited; and all buoys must be disconnected from the gear but may remain on deck.
Within the Gulf EEZ east of 85°30′ W. long., a vessel for which a valid eastern Gulf reef fish bottom longline endorsement has been issued that is fishing bottom longline gear or has bottom longline gear on board cannot possess more than a total of 1000 hooks including hooks on board the vessel and hooks being fished and cannot possess more than 750 hooks rigged for fishing at any given time. For the purpose of this paragraph, “hooks rigged for fishing” means hooks attached to a line or other device capable of attaching to the mainline of the longline.
(r) Pulley Ridge HAPC.
Fishing with a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the area of the HAPC bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 24°58′18″ | 83°38′33″ |
B | 24°58′18″ | 83°37′00″ |
C | 24°41′11″ | 83°37′00″ |
D | 24°40′00″ | 83°41′22″ |
E | 24°43′55″ | 83°47′15″ |
A | 24°58′18″ | 83°38′33″ |
(s) Stetson Bank HAPC.
Fishing with a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC, which is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 28°10′38.3″ | 94°18′36.5″ |
B | 28°10′38.3″ | 94°17′06.3″ |
C | 28°09′18.6″ | 94°17′06.3″ |
D | 28°09′18.6″ | 94°18′36.5″ |
A | 28°10′38.3″ | 94°18′36.5″ |
(t) McGrail Bank HAPC.
Fishing with a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC, which is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:
Point | North lat. | West long. |
A | 27°59′06.0″ | 92°37′19.2″ |
B | 27°59′06.0″ | 92°32′17.4″ |
C | 27°55′55.5″ | 92°32′17.4″ |
D | 27°55′55.5″ | 92°37′19.2″ |
A | 27°59′06.0″ | 92°37′19.2″ |
(u) Seasonal closure of the recreational fishery for shallow-water grouper (SWG).
The recreational fishery for SWG, in or from the Gulf EEZ, is closed from February 1 through March 31, each year. During the closure, the bag and possession limit for SWG in or from the Gulf EEZ is zero.
(v) Closure of the recreational fishery for red snapper.
The recreational fishery for red snapper in or from the Gulf EEZ is closed from January 1 through May 31. During the closure, the bag and possession limit for red snapper in or from the Gulf EEZ is zero.
[61 FR 34934, July 3, 1996]
Code of Federal Regulations