622.2—Definitions and acronyms.

In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson Act and in § 600.10 of this chapter, and the acronyms in § 600.15 of this chapter, the terms and acronyms used in this part have the following meanings:
Accountability measure means a management control implemented such that overfishing is prevented, where possible, and mitigated if it occurs.
Actual ex-vessel value means the total monetary sale amount a fisherman receives for IFQ landings from a registered IFQ dealer.
Allowable chemical means a substance, generally used to immobilize marine life so that it can be captured alive, that, when introduced into the water, does not take Gulf and South Atlantic prohibited coral and is allowed by Florida for the harvest of tropical fish (e.g., quinaldine, quinaldine compounds, or similar substances).
Allowable octocoral means an erect, nonencrusting species of the subclass Octocorallia, except the seafans Gorgonia flabellum and G. ventalina, plus the attached substrate within 1 inch (2.54 cm) of an allowable octocoral.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: An erect, nonencrusting species of the subclass Octocorallia, except the seafans Gorgonia flabellum and G. ventalina, with attached substrate exceeding 1 inch (2.54 cm) is considered to be live rock and not allowable octocoral.

Annual catch limit (ACL) means the level of catch that serves as the basis for invoking accountability measures.
Annual catch target (ACT) means an amount of annual catch of a stock or stock complex that is the management target of the fishery, and accounts for management uncertainty in controlling the actual catch at or below the ACL.
Aquacultured live rock means live rock that is harvested under a Federal aquacultured live rock permit, as required under § 622.4(a)(3)(iii).
Atlantic means the North Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, and South Atlantic.
Authorized statistical reporting agent means:
Automatic reel means a reel that remains attached to a vessel when in use from which a line and attached hook(s) are deployed. The line is payed out from and retrieved on the reel electrically or hydraulically.
Bandit gear means a rod and reel that remain attached to a vessel when in use from which a line and attached hook(s) are deployed. The line is payed out from and retrieved on the reel manually, electrically, or hydraulically.
Bottom longline means a longline that is deployed, or in combination with gear aboard the vessel, e.g., weights or anchors, is capable of being deployed to maintain contact with the ocean bottom.
BRD means bycatch reduction device.
Buoy gear means fishing gear consisting of a float and one or more weighted lines suspended therefrom, generally long enough to reach the bottom. A hook or hooks (usually 6 to 10) are on the lines at or near the end. The float and line(s) drift freely and are retrieved periodically to remove catch and rebait hooks.
Carapace length means the straight-line distance from the orbital notch inside the orbital spine, in a line parallel to the lateral rostral sulcus, to the posterior margin of the cephalothorax. (See Figure 1 in Appendix C of this part.)
Caribbean means the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean seaward of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and possessions of the United States in the Caribbean Sea.
Caribbean coral reef resource means one or more of the species, or a part thereof, listed in Table 1 in Appendix A of this part, whether living or dead.
Caribbean prohibited coral means, in the Caribbean; a gorgonian, that is, a Caribbean coral reef resource of the Class Anthozoa, Subclass Octocorallia, Order Gorgonacea; a live rock; or a stony coral, that is, a Caribbean coral reef resource of the Class Hydrozoa (fire corals and hydrocorals) or of the Class Anthozoa, Subclass Hexacorallia, Orders Scleractinia (stony corals) and Antipatharia (black corals); or a part thereof.
Caribbean queen conch or queen conch means the species, Strombus gigas, or a part thereof.
Caribbean reef fish means one or more of the species, or a part thereof, listed in Table 2 in Appendix A of this part.
Caribbean spiny lobster means the species Panulirus argus, or a part thereof.
CFMC means the Caribbean Fishery Management Council.
Charter vessel means a vessel less than 100 gross tons (90.8 mt) that is subject to the requirements of the USCG to carry six or fewer passengers for hire and that engages in charter fishing at any time during the calendar year. A charter vessel with a commercial permit, as required under § 622.4(a)(2), is considered to be operating as a charter vessel when it carries a passenger who pays a fee or when there are more than three persons aboard, including operator and crew. However, a charter vessel that has a charter vessel permit for Gulf reef fish, a commercial vessel permit for Gulf reef fish, and a valid Certificate of Inspection (COI) issued by the USCG to carry passengers for hire will not be considered to be operating as a charter vessel provided—
Circle hook means a fishing hook designed and manufactured so that the point is turned perpendicularly back to the shank to form a generally circular, or oval, shape.
Coastal migratory pelagic fish means one or more of the following species, or a part thereof:
Coral area means marine habitat in the Gulf or South Atlantic EEZ where coral growth abounds, including patch reefs, outer bank reefs, deep water banks, and hard bottoms.
Dealer, in addition to the definition specified in § 600.10 of this chapter, means the person who first receives rock shrimp harvested from the EEZ or dolphin or wahoo harvested from the Atlantic EEZ upon transfer ashore.
Deep-water grouper (DWG) means yellowedge grouper, misty grouper, warsaw grouper, snowy grouper, and speckled hind. In addition, for the purposes of the IFQ program for Gulf groupers and tilefishes in § 622.20, scamp are also included as DWG as specified in § 622.20(b)(2)(vi).
Dehooking device means a device intended to remove a hook embedded in a fish to release the fish with minimum damage.
Dolphin means the species Coryphaena equiselis or C. hippurus, or a part thereof, in the Atlantic. (See the definition of Coastal migratory pelagic fish for dolphin in the Gulf of Mexico.)
Drift gillnet, for the purposes of this part, means a gillnet, other than a long gillnet or a run-around gillnet, that is unattached to the ocean bottom, regardless of whether attached to a vessel.
Fish trap means—
Fork length means the straight-line distance from the tip of the head (snout) to the rear center edge of the tail (caudal fin). (See Figure 2 in appendix C of this part.)
Golden crab means the species Chaceon fenneri, or a part thereof.
Golden crab trap means any trap used or possessed in association with a directed fishery for golden crab in the South Atlantic EEZ, including any trap that contains a golden crab in or from the South Atlantic EEZ or any trap on board a vessel that possesses golden crab in or from the South Atlantic EEZ.
GMFMC means the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council.
Gulf reef fish means one or more of the species, or a part thereof, listed in Table 3 in appendix A of this part.
Gulf and South Atlantic prohibited coral means, in the Gulf and South Atlantic, one or more of the following, or a part thereof:
Handline means a line with attached hook(s) that is tended directly by hand.
HAPC means habitat area of particular concern.
Headboat means a vessel that holds a valid Certificate of Inspection (COI) issued by the USCG to carry more than six passengers for hire.
(1) A headboat with a commercial vessel permit, as required under § 622.4(a)(2), is considered to be operating as a headboat when it carries a passenger who pays a fee or—
Headrope length means the distance, measured along the forwardmost webbing of a trawl net, between the points at which the upper lip (top edge) of the mouth of the net are attached to sleds, doors, or other devices that spread the net.
Hook-and-line gear means automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, handline, longline, and rod and reel.
IFQ means individual fishing quota.
Live rock means living marine organisms, or an assemblage thereof, attached to a hard substrate, including dead coral or rock (excluding individual mollusk shells).
Long gillnet means a gillnet that has a float line that is more than 1,000 yd (914 m) in length.
Longline means a line that is deployed horizontally to which gangions and hooks are attached. A longline may be a bottom longline, i.e., designed for use on the bottom, or a pelagic longline, i.e., designed for use off the bottom. The longline hauler may be manually, electrically, or hydraulically operated.
MAFMC means the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
Migratory group, for king and Spanish mackerel, means a group of fish that may or may not be a separate genetic stock, but that is treated as a separate stock for management purposes. King and Spanish mackerel are divided into migratory groups—the Atlantic migratory group and the Gulf migratory group. The boundaries between these groups are as follows:
MPA means marine protected area.
Off Florida means the waters in the Gulf and South Atlantic from 30°42′45.6″ N. lat., which is a line directly east from the seaward terminus of the Georgia/Florida boundary, to 87°31′06″ W. long., which is a line directly south from the Alabama/Florida boundary.
Off Georgia means the waters in the South Atlantic from a line extending in a direction of 104° from true north from the seaward terminus of the South Carolina/Georgia boundary to 30°42′45.6″ N. lat., which is a line directly east from the seaward terminus of the Georgia/Florida boundary.
Official sunrise or official sunset means the time of sunrise or sunset as determined for the date and location in The Nautical Almanac, prepared by the U.S. Naval Observatory.
Off Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama means the waters in the Gulf other than off Florida and off Texas.
Off North Carolina means the waters in the South Atlantic from 36°34′55″ N. lat., which is a line directly east from the Virginia/North Carolina boundary, to a line extending in a direction of 135°34′55″ from true north from the North Carolina/South Carolina boundary, as marked by the border station on Bird Island at 33°51′07.9″ N. lat., 78°32′32.6″ W. long.
Off South Carolina means the waters in the South Atlantic from a line extending in a direction of 135°34′55″ from true north from the North Carolina/South Carolina boundary, as marked by the border station on Bird Island at 33°51′07.9″ N. lat., 78′32′32.6″ W. long., to a line extending in a direction of 104° from true north from the seaward terminus of the South Carolina/Georgia boundary.
Off Texas means the waters in the Gulf west of a rhumb line from 29°32.1′ N. lat., 93°47.7′ W. long. to 26°11.4′ N. lat., 92°53′ W. long., which line is an extension of the boundary between Louisiana and Texas.
Pelagic longline means a longline that is suspended by floats in the water column and that is not fixed to or in contact with the ocean bottom.
Pelagic sargassum means the species Sargassum natans or S. fluitans, or a part thereof.
Penaeid shrimp means one or more of the following species, or a part thereof:
Penaeid shrimp trawler means any vessel that is equipped with one or more trawl nets whose on-board or landed catch of penaeid shrimp is more than 1 percent, by weight, of all fish comprising its on-board or landed catch.
Powerhead means any device with an explosive charge, usually attached to a speargun, spear, pole, or stick, that fires a projectile upon contact.
Processor means a person who processes fish or fish products, or parts thereof, for commercial use or consumption.
Purchase means the act or activity of buying, trading, or bartering, or attempting to buy, trade, or barter.
Red drum, also called redfish, means Sciaenops ocellatus, or a part thereof.
Red snapper means Lutjanus campechanus, or a part thereof, one of the Gulf reef fish species.
Regional Administrator (RA), for the purposes of this part, means the Administrator, Southeast Region, NMFS, 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, or a designee.
Rod and reel means a rod and reel unit that is not attached to a vessel, or, if attached, is readily removable, from which a line and attached hook(s) are deployed. The line is payed out from and retrieved on the reel manually, electrically, or hydraulically.
Run-around gillnet means a gillnet, other than a long gillnet, that, when used, encloses an area of water.
SAFMC means the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
Sale or sell means the act or activity of transferring property for money or credit, trading, or bartering, or attempting to so transfer, trade, or barter.
Sea bass pot means a trap has six rectangular sides and does not exceed 25 inches (63.5 cm) in height, width, or depth.
Shallow-water grouper (SWG) means gag, red grouper, black grouper, scamp, yellowfin grouper, rock hind, red hind, and yellowmouth grouper. In addition, for the purposes of the IFQ program for Gulf groupers and tilefishes in § 622.20, speckled hind and warsaw grouper are also included as SWG as specified in § 622.20(b)(2)(v).
Shrimp means one or more of the following species, or a part thereof:
Shrimp trawler means any vessel that is equipped with one or more trawl nets whose on-board or landed catch of shrimp is more than 1 percent, by weight, of all fish comprising its on-board or landed catch.
Smalltooth sawfish means the species Pristis pectinata, or a part thereof.
SMZ means special management zone.
Smalltooth sawfish means the species Pristis pectinata, or a part thereof.
South Atlantic means the Atlantic Ocean off the Atlantic coastal states from the boundary between the MAFMC and the SAFMC, as specified in § 600.105(b) of this chapter, to the line of demarcation between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, as specified in § 600.105(c) of this chapter.
South Atlantic snapper-grouper means one or more of the species, or a part thereof, listed in Table 4 in Appendix A of this part.
Stab net means a gillnet, other than a long gillnet, or trammel net whose weight line sinks to the bottom and submerges the float line.
Total length (TL), for the purposes of this part, means the straight-line distance from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail (caudal fin), excluding any caudal filament, while the fish is lying on its side. The mouth of the fish may be closed and/or the tail may be squeezed together to give the greatest overall measurement. (See Figure 2 in appendix C of this part.)
Toxic chemical means any substance, other than an allowable chemical, that, when introduced into the water, can stun, immobilize, or take marine life.
Trammel net means two or more panels of netting, suspended vertically in the water by a common float line and a common weight line, with one panel having a larger mesh size than the other(s), to entrap fish in a pocket of netting.
Trip means a fishing trip, regardless of number of days duration, that begins with departure from a dock, berth, beach, seawall, or ramp and that terminates with return to a dock, berth, beach, seawall, or ramp.
Try net, also called test net, means a net pulled for brief periods by a shrimp trawler to test for shrimp concentrations or determine fishing conditions (e.g., presence or absence of bottom debris, jellyfish, bycatch, seagrasses).
Venting device means a device intended to deflate the swim bladder of a fish to release the fish with minimum damage.
Wahoo means the species Acanthocybium solandri, or a part thereof, in the Atlantic.
Wild live rock means live rock other than aquacultured live rock.
Wreckfish means the species Polyprion americanus, or a part thereof, one of the South Atlantic snapper-grouper species.

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 622.2 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.