600.747—Guidelines and procedures for determining new fisheries and gear.

(a) General. Section 305(a) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act requires the Secretary to prepare a list of all fisheries under the authority of each Council, or the Director in the case of Atlantic highly migratory species, and all gear used in such fisheries. This section contains guidelines in paragraph (b) for determining when fishing gear or a fishery is sufficiently different from those listed in § 600.725(v) as to require notification of a Council or the Director in order to use the gear or participate in the unlisted fishery. This section also contains procedures in paragraph (c) for notification of a Council or the Director of potentially new fisheries or gear, and for amending the list of fisheries and gear.
(2) If the gear in question falls within the bounds of a definition in § 600.10 for an allowable gear type within that fishery, as listed under § 600.725(v), then the gear is not considered different, is considered allowable gear, and does not require notification of the Council or Secretary 90 days before it can be used in that fishery.
(4) If a fishery falls within the bounds of the list of authorized fisheries and gear in § 600.725(v) under the Council's or Secretary's authority, then the fishery is not considered different, is considered an allowable fishery and does not require notification of the Council or Director before that fishery can occur.
(5) If a fishery is not already listed in the list of authorized fisheries and gear in § 600.725(v), then the fishery is considered different and requires notification as described in paragraph (c) of this section 90 days before it can occur.
(c) Procedures. If a gear or fishery does not appear on the list in § 600.725(v), or if the gear is different from that defined in § 600.10, the process for notification, and consideration by a Council or the Director, is as follows:
(1) Notification. After July 26, 1999, no person or vessel may employ fishing gear or engage in a fishery not included on the list of approved gear types in § 600.725(v) without notifying the appropriate Council or the Director at least 90 days before the intended use of that gear.
(1) Recommend to the RA that the list be amended;
(2) Provide rationale and supporting analysis, as necessary, for proper consideration of the proposed amendment; and
(3) Provide a draft proposed rule for notifying the public of the proposed addition, with a request for comment.
[64 FR 4043, Jan. 27, 1999]