
(d) Daily fishing log. (1) The owner or operator of each FFV authorized to catch fish (Activity Code 1) must maintain a daily fishing log of the effort, catch and production of the FFV, as modified by paragraph (d)(2) of this section and the regulations for the fishery in which the FFV is engaged. The operator must maintain on a daily and cumulative basis for the permit period a separate log for each fishery (see table 2 to § 600.502) in which the FFV is engaged according to this section and in the format specified in the instructions provided with the permit or other format authorized under paragraph (i) of this section. Daily effort entries are required for each day the vessel conducts fishing operations within the EEZ. Daily entries are not required whenever the FFV is in port or engaged in a joint venture in the internal waters of a state. Each page of log may contain entries pertaining to only one day's fishing operations or one gear set, whichever is longer.
[61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 7075, Feb. 12, 1998]