600.1106—Longline catcher processor subsector Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) non-pollock groundfish species fee payment and collection system.

(2) In accordance with §§ 600.1013 through 600.1016, implement an industry fee system for the reduction fishery.
(b) Definitions. Unless otherwise defined in this section, the terms defined in § 600.1000 and § 600.1105 expressly apply to this section. In addition, the following definition applies to this section:
Reduction fishery means the longline catcher processor subsector of the BSAI non-pollock groundfish fishery that § 679.2 of this chapter defined as groundfish area/species endorsements.
(4) Subsector members in the reduction fishery shall, in accordance with § 600.1014, deposit and disburse, as well as keep records for and submit reports about, the fees applicable to such fishery; except the requirements specified under paragraph (c) of this section concerning the deposit principal disbursement shall be made to NMFS no later than fifteen (15) calendar days following the end of each calendar month; and the requirements specified under paragraph (e) of this section concerning annual reports which shall be submitted to NMFS by February 1 of each calendar year; and
[72 FR 54222, Sept. 24, 2007]