600.1104—Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) crab species fee payment and collection system.

(2) In accordance with § 600.1013 through § 600.1016 of subpart L, implement an industry fee system for the reduction fishery.
Crab rationalization fisheries means the same as in § 680.2 of this chapter.
Reduction endorsement fishery means any of the seven fisheries that § 679.2 of this chapter formerly (before adoption of part 680 of this chapter) defined as crab area/species endorsements, except the area/species endorsement for Norton Sound red king. More specifically, the reduction endorsement fisheries, and the crab rationalization fisheries which (after adoption of part 680 of this chapter) correspond to the reduction endorsement fisheries, are:
Reduction fishery means the fishery for all crab rationalization crab, excluding CDQ allocations, in all crab rationalization fisheries.
Sub-amount means the portion of the reduction loan amount for whose repayment the borrower in each reduction endorsement fishery is obligated.
(2) Fish sellers in each reduction endorsement fishery shall, in accordance with § 600.1013, pay the fee at the rate applicable to each such fishery's subamount;
(3) Fish buyers in each reduction endorsement fishery shall, in accordance with § 600.1013, collect the fee at the rate applicable to each such fishery;
(4) Fish buyers in each reduction endorsement fishery shall in accordance with § 600.1014, deposit and disburse, as well as keep records for and submit reports about, the fees applicable to each such fishery; except the requirements specified under paragraph (c) of this section concerning the deposit principal disbursement shall be made to NMFS not later than the 7th calendar day of each month; and the requirements specified under paragraph (e) of this section concerning annual reports which shall be submitted to NMFS by July 1 of each calendar year; and,
[70 FR 54656, Sept. 16, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 27210, May 10, 2006]