300.143—Facilitation of enforcement.

(a) General. Persons aboard fishing vessels subject to this subpart must immediately comply with instructions and/or signals issued by an authorized officer of the United States or Canada, or by an enforcement vessel or aircraft, to stop the vessel, and with instructions to facilitate safe boarding and inspection for the purpose of enforcing any applicable Canadian fisheries law, the Agreement, or this subpart. All of the provisions of § 300.5 regarding communications, boarding, and signals apply to this subpart. For purposes of this subpart, authorized officer in § 305 means an authorized officer of the United States or Canada. (See paragraph (b) of this section for specific requirements for complying with signals and instructions issued by an authorized officer of Canada.)
(b) Canadian signals. In addition to signals set forth in § 300.5, persons aboard fishing vessels subject to this subpart must immediately comply with the following signals by an authorized officer of Canada.