
In addition to the terms defined in § 300.2 and those in the Magnuson Act and the Agreement, the terms used in this subpart have the following meanings. If a term is defined differently in § 300.2, the Magnuson Act, or the Agreement, the definition in this section applies.
Applicable Canadian fisheries law means any Canadian law, regulation or similar provision relating in any manner to fishing by any fishing vessel other than a Canadian fishing vessel in waters subject to the fisheries jurisdiction of Canada, including, but not limited to, any provision relating to stowage of fishing gear by vessels passing through such waters, and to obstruction or interference with enforcement of any such law or regulation.
Authorized officer of Canada means any fishery officer, protection officer, officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or other employee authorized by the appropriate authority of any national or provincial agency of Canada to enforce any applicable Canadian fisheries law.
Canadian fishing vessel means a fishing vessel:
Waters subject to the fisheries jurisdiction of Canada means the internal waters, territorial sea, and the zone that Canada has established, extending 200 nautical miles from its coasts, in which it exercises sovereign rights for the purpose of exploration, exploitation, conservation and management of living marine resources, to the extent recognized by the United States.