29.21-4—Terms and conditions.

(9) That all or any part of the easement or permit granted may be terminated by the Regional Director, for failure to comply with any or all of the terms or conditions of the grant, or for abandonment. A rebuttable presumption of abandonment is raised by deliberate failure of the holder to use for any continuous 2-year period the easement or permit for the purpose for which it was granted or renewed. In the event of noncompliance of abandonment, the Regional Director will notify in writing the holder of the easement or permit of his intention to suspend or terminate such grant 60 days from the date of the notice, stating the reasons therefor, unless prior to that time the holder completes such corrective actions as are specified in the notice. The Regional Director may grant an extension of time within which to complete corrective actions when, in his judgment, extenuating circumstances not within the holder's control such as adverse weather conditions, disturbance to wildlife during breeding periods or periods of peak concentration, or other compelling reasons warrant. Should the holder of a right-of-way issued under authority of the Mineral Leasing Act, as amended, fail to take corrective action within the 60-day period, the Regional Director will provide for an administrative proceeding pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 554, prior to a final Departmental decision to suspend or terminate the easement or permit. In the case of all other right-of-way holders, failure to take corrective action within the 60-day period will result in a determination by the Regional Director to suspend or terminate the easement or permit. No administrative proceeding shall be required where the easement or permit terminates under its terms.
[31 FR 16026, Dec. 15, 1966, as amended at 42 FR 43918, Aug. 31, 1977]