253.11—Guarantee policy.
A guarantee financing or refinancing up to 80 percent of a project's actual cost shall be available to any qualified citizen otherwise eligible under the Act and these rules, except:
(1) Vessel construction.
The Program will not finance this project cost. The Program will only refinance this project cost for an existing vessel whose previous construction cost has already been financed (or otherwise paid). Refinancing this project cost for a vessel that already exists is not inconsistent with wise use, but financing it may be.
(2) Vessel refurbishing that materially increases an existing vessel's harvesting capacity.
The Program will not finance this project cost. The Program will only refinance this project cost for a vessel whose previous refurbishing cost has already been financed (or otherwise paid). Refinancing this project cost is not inconsistent with wise use, but financing it may be.
(3) Purchasing a used vessel or used fishery facility.
The Program will neither finance nor refinance this project cost (except for a used vessel or fishery facility that the Program purchased and is reselling), unless the used vessel or fishery facility will be refurbished in the United States and will be a contributory project or it will be used in an underutilized fishery.
Every project, other than those specified in paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section, is consistent with wise use and every project, other than those specifically precluded in paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section, may be financed, as well as refinanced.