22.25—What are the requirements concerning permits to take golden eagle nests?
The Director may, upon receipt of an application and in accordance with the issuance criteria of this section, issue a permit authorizing any person to take golden eagle nests during a resource development or recovery operation when the nests are inactive, if the taking is compatible with the preservation of the area nesting population of golden eagles. The information collection requirements contained within this section have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned clearance number 1018-0022. This information is being collected to provide information necessary to evaluate permit applications. This information will be used to review permit applications and make decisions, according to the criteria established in this section for the issuance or denial of such permits. The obligation to respond is required to obtain or retain a permit.
(a) How do I apply for a permit to take golden eagle nests?
You must submit applications for permits to take golden eagle nests to the appropriate Regional Director—Attention: Migratory Bird Permit Office. You can find addresses for the appropriate Regional Directors in 50 CFR 2.2. We will only accept applications if you are engaged in a resource development or recovery operation, including the planning and permitting stages of an operation. Your application must contain the general information and certification required by § 13.12(a) of this chapter plus the following additional information:
A description of the property on which the taking is proposed, with reference made to its exact geographic location. An appropriately scaled map or plat must be included which delineates the area of the resource development or recovery operation and identifies the exact location of each golden eagle nest proposed to be taken. The map or plat must contain enough detail so that each golden eagle nest proposed to be taken can be readily located by the Service.
For each golden eagle nest proposed to be taken, the applicant must calculate the area nesting population of golden eagles and identify on an appropriately scaled map or plat the exact location of each golden eagle nest used to calculate the area nesting population unless the Service has sufficient data to independently calculate the area nesting population. The map or plat must contain enough details so that each golden eagle nest used to calculate the area nesting population can be readily located by the Service.
A description of each activity to be performed during the resource development or recovery operation which involves the taking of a golden eagle nest;
A statement with any supporting documents from ornithologists experienced with golden eagles or other qualified persons who have made on site inspections and can verify the applicant's calculation of the area nesting population;
The length of time for which the permit is requested, including the dates on which the proposed resource development or recovery operation is to begin and end;
A statement indicating the intended disposition of each nest proposed to be taken. Applicants should state whether they are willing to collect any nest for scientific or educational purposes; and
A statement indicating any proposed mitigation measures that are compatible with the resource development or recovery operation to encourage golden eagles to reoccupy the resource development or recovery site. Mitigation measures may include reclaiming disturbed land to enhance golden eagle nesting and foraging habitat, relocating in suitable habitat any inactive golden eagle nest taken, or establishing one or more nest sites. If the establishment of one or more nest sites is proposed, a description of the materials and methods to be used and the exact location of each artificial nest site must be included.
(b) Additional permit conditions.
In addition to the general conditions set forth in part 13 of this chapter, permits to take golden eagle nests are subject to the following additional conditions:
The permittee shall submit a report of activities conducted under the permit to the Director within ten (10) days following the permit's expiration;
The permittee shall notify the Director in writing at least 10 days but not more than 30 days before any golden eagle nest is taken;
The permittee shall comply with any mitigation measures determined by the Director to be feasible and compatible with the resource development or recovery operation; and
Any permit issued before the commencement of a resource development or recovery operation is invalid if the activity which required a permit is not performed.
(c) Issuance criteria.
The Director shall conduct an investigation and not issue a permit to take any golden eagle nest unless such taking is compatible with the preservation of the area nesting population of golden eagles. In making such determination, the Director shall consider the following:
Whether the applicant can reasonably conduct the resource development or recovery operation in a manner that avoids taking any golden eagle nest;
Whether suitable golden eagle nesting and foraging habitat unaffected by the resource development or recovery operation is available to the area nesting population of golden eagles to accommodate any golden eagles displaced by the resource development or recovery operation;
Whether feasible mitigation measures compatible with the resource development or recovery operation are available to encourage golden eagles to reoccupy the resource development or recovery site. Mitigation measures may include reclaiming disturbed land to enhance golden eagle nesting and foraging habitat, relocating in suitable habitat any golden eagle nest taken, or establishing one or more nest sites; and
(d) Tenure of permits.
The tenure of any permit to take golden eagle nests is 2 years from the date of issuance, unless a shorter period of time is prescribed on the face of the permit. Permits may be renewed in accordance with part 13 of this chapter.
[48 FR 57300, Dec. 29, 1983, as amended at 63 FR 52638, Oct. 1, 1998; 64 FR 50474, Sept. 17, 1999]