218.1—Specified activity, specified geographical area and effective dates.
The taking of marine mammals by the Navy is only authorized if it occurs within the VACAPES Range Complex Operation Area (OPAREA), which is located in the coastal and offshore waters of the western North Atlantic Ocean adjacent to Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. The northernmost boundary of the VACAPES Range Complex OPAREA is located 37 nautical miles (nm) off the entrance to Delaware Bay at latitude 38°45′ N, the farthest point of the eastern boundary is 184 nm east of Chesapeake Bay at longitude 72°41′ W, and the southernmost point is 105 nm southeast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, at latitude of 34°19′ N. The western boundary of the VACAPES Range Complex OPAREA lies 3 nm from the shoreline at the boundary separating state and Federal waters.
The taking of marine mammals by the Navy is only authorized if it occurs incidental to the following activities within the designated amounts of use:
The detonation of the underwater explosives indicated in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section conducted as part of the training events indicated in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section:
Mine Exercise (MINEX) (Mine Neutralization [AMNS])—up to 150 exercises over the course of 5 years (an average of 30 per year);
Mine Exercise (MINEX) (Mine Neutralization [20 lb NEW charges])—up to 120 exercises over the course of 5 years (an average of 24 per year);
Bombing Exercise (BOMBEX) (Air-to-Surface)—up to 100 exercises over the course of 5 years (an average of 20 per year);
Missile Exercise (MISSILEX) (Air-to-Surface; Hellfire missile)—up to 300 exercises over the course of 5 years (an average of 60 per year);
Missile Exercise (MISSILEX) (Air-to-Surface; Maverick, HE)—up to 100 exercises over the course of 5 years (an average of 20 per year); and
Regulations are effective June 8, 2009 and are applicable to the Navy on June 5, 2009 through June 4, 2014.