18.31—Scientific research permits and public display permits.

The Director may, upon receipt of an application and in accordance with the issuance criteria of this section, issue a permit authorizing the taking and importation of marine mammals for scientific research purposes or for public display.
(c) Issuance criteria. Permits applied for under this section shall be issued, suspended, modified and revoked pursuant to regulations contained in § 18.33. In determining whether to issue a scientific research permit, the Director shall consider whether the proposed taking or importation will be consistent with the policies and purposes of the Act; and whether the granting of the permit is required to further a bona fide and necessary or desirable scientific purpose, taking into account the benefits anticipated to be derived from the scientific research contemplated and the effect of the purposed taking or importation on the population stock and the marine ecosystem. In determining whether to issue a public display permit, the Director shall consider whether the proposed taking or importation will be consistent with the policies and purposes of the Act; whether a substantial public benefit will be gained from the display contemplated, taking into account the manner of the display and the anticipated audience on the one hand, and the effect of the proposed taking or importation on the population stocks of the marine mammal in question and the marine ecosystem on the other; and the applicant's qualifications for the proper care and maintenance of the marine mammal or the marine mammal product, and the adequacy of his facilities.