Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries > CHAPTER I—UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR > SUBCHAPTER B—TAKING, POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, SALE, PURCHASE, BARTER, EXPORTATION, AND IMPORTATION OF WILDLIFE AND PLANTS (Parts 10–24) > PART 18—MARINE MAMMALS > SUBPART J—Nonlethal Taking of Marine Mammals Incidental to Oil and Gas Exploration, Development, and Production Activities in the Beaufort Sea and Adjacent Northern Coast of Alaska (§18.12 > 18.127—What activities are prohibited?
18.127—What activities are prohibited?
Intentional take and lethal incidental take of polar bear or Pacific walrus; and
Any take that fails to comply with this part or with the terms and conditions of your Letter of Authorization.