17.23—Economic hardship permits.

Upon receipt of a complete application, the Director may issue a permit authorizing any activity otherwise prohibited by § 17.21, in accordance with the issuance criteria of this section in order to prevent undue economic hardship. The Director shall publish notice in the Federal Register of each application for a permit that is made under this section. Each notice shall invite the submission from interested parties, within 30 days after the date of the notice, of written data, views, or arguments with respect to the application. The 30-day period may be waived by the Director in an emergency situation where the life or health of an endangered animal is threatened and no reasonable alternative is available to the applicant. Notice of any such waiver shall be published in the Federal Register within 10 days following issuance of the permit.
(a) Application requirements. Applications for permits under this section must be submitted to the Director by the person allegedly suffering undue economic hardship because his desired activity is prohibited by § 17.21. Each application must be submitted on an official application form (Form 3-200) provided by the Service, and must include, as an attachment, all of the information required in § 17.22 plus the following additional information:
[40 FR 44415, Sept. 26, 1975, as amended at 40 FR 53400, Nov. 18, 1975; 40 FR 58307, Dec. 16, 1975; 50 FR 39688, Sept. 30, 1985]