14.31—Permits to import or export wildlife at nondesignated port for scientific purposes.
(b) Application procedure.
Applications for permits to import or export wildlife at a nondesignated port for scientific purposes must be submitted to the Director. Each application must contain the general information and certification required by § 13.12(a) of this subchapter, plus the following additional information:
The number and kinds of wildlife described by scientific and common names to be imported or exported where such number and kinds can be determined;
The country or place in which the wildlife was removed from the wild (if known), or where born in captivity;
The port(s) of entry where importation or exportation is requested, and the reasons why importation or exportation should be allowed at the requested port(s) of entry rather than at a designated port; and
A statement as to whether the exception is being requested for a single shipment, a series of shipments, or shipments over a specified period of time and the date(s) involved.
(c) Additional permit conditions.
In addition to the general conditions set forth in part 13 of this subchapter B, permits to import or export wildlife at a nondesignated port issued under this section are subject to the following condition: Permittee shall file such reports as specified on the permit, if any.
(d) Issuance criteria.
The Director shall consider the following in determining whether to issue a permit under this section:
Benefit to a bona fide scientific research project, other scientific purpose, or facilitation of the exchange of preserved museum specimens;
(e) Duration of permits.
Any permit issued under this section expires on the date designated on the face of the permit. In no case will the permit be valid for more than 2 years from the date of issuance.