9901.223—Appeal to DoD for review of classification decisions.

(a) Employee representation. An employee may designate in writing a representative of his or her choice to assist in the preparation and presentation of an appeal. A management official may disallow an employee's representative when—
(1) An individual's activities as a representative would cause a conflict of interest or position;
(2) An employee cannot be released from his or her official duties because of the priority needs of the Government; or
(3) An employee's release would give rise to unreasonable costs to the Government.
(b) DoD classification appeal process. (1) Employee appeals to DoD must be submitted through the employee's servicing Human Resources Office.
(2) An employee may file a classification appeal at any time. When the issue involves a classification action that resulted in a reduction in band or adjusted salary, to preserve any entitlement to retroactive pay, the employee must file any DoD classification appeal no later than 15 calendar days after the effective date of the personnel action. When an employee shows that he or she did not receive notice of the applicable time limit, or personnel action, or was prevented from timely filing by circumstances beyond the employee's control, the deciding official may grant an extension of the appeal period.
(3) An employee must provide the following documentation when filing an appeal:
(i) The employee's name, mailing address, and office telephone and fax numbers;
(ii) The employing Component and the exact location of the employee's position within the Component (installation name, mailing address, organization, division, branch, section, unit);
(iii) The name, address, and business telephone and fax numbers of the employee's representative, if any;
(iv) A statement of the employee's requested pay system, official position title, occupational series, pay schedule, and/or pay band; and
(v) Reasons why the employee believes the position is incorrectly classified.
(4) The employee must refer to classification standards that support the appeal and state specific points of disagreement with the current classification. The employee may also include a statement of facts that he or she thinks may affect the final classification decision.
(c) Binding decisions. DoD appeal decisions constitute certificates that are binding on all administrative, certifying, payroll, disbursing, and accounting offices within DoD.
(d) Cancellation. (1) An employee or representative may cancel an appeal at any time before DoD issues a decision by providing written notification to the DoD deciding official.
(2) DoD may cancel an appeal if any of the following occur:
(i) The employee, or his or her representative, does not furnish requested information within the required time period;
(ii) The employee is no longer officially assigned to, or is removed from, the position and there is no entitlement to retroactive benefits;
(iii) The duties and responsibilities of the position are significantly changed while the case is pending and there is no entitlement to retroactive benefits; or
(iv) The position is abolished and there is no entitlement to retroactive benefits.