9901.222—Review of classification decisions.

(a) An individual employee may request that DoD or OPM review the classification (i.e., pay system, career group, occupational series, official title, pay schedule, or pay band) of his or her official position of record at any time.
(b) Under this section, an employee may not appeal to either DoD or OPM the issues designated as nonappealable to the Office of Personnel Management in 5 CFR 511.607 or the accuracy of NSPS pay schedule and pay band classification criteria. Additional nonappealable issues covered under NSPS include—
(1) Classification of a proposed position or one to which the employee is not officially assigned;
(2) Classification of a position to which an employee is detailed, temporarily reassigned, or temporarily promoted, except for employees serving under a time-limited promotion or reassignment for 2 years or more;
(3) Accuracy of the official position description, including the inclusion or exclusion of a duty (subject to paragraph (c) of this section);
(4) Classification of a position based on position-to-position comparisons rather than the NSPS classification criteria;
(5) Classification of a position for which a DoD or an OPM appeal decision was previously rendered unless there is a later change in the governing classification criteria or a material change in the requirements of the position; and
(6) The accuracy of career group, pay band, or pay schedule classification criteria or standards contained in DoD issuances.
(c) When the accuracy of the official position description is questioned by the employee, the employee will be advised to raise this issue informally with the employee's supervisor or file a grievance using the applicable administrative or negotiated grievance procedure. If the employee elects to first raise this issue with the employee's supervisor and the employee and the supervisor cannot resolve this issue, the accuracy of the position description may be determined using the applicable administrative or negotiated grievance procedure. If, after completing this procedure, the issue is not resolved, the classification appeal, if any, will be decided on the basis of the actual duties and responsibilities assigned by management and performed by the employee.
(d) An employee may request that OPM review a DoD determination made under paragraph (a) of this section. If an employee does not request an OPM review, DoD's classification determination is final and not subject to further review or appeal.
(e) Any determination made under this section will be based on criteria issued by the Secretary.