950.106—PCFO expense recovery.

(a) The PCFO shall recover from the gross receipts of the campaign its expenses, approved by the LFCC, reflecting the actual costs of administering the local campaign. The amount recovered for campaign expenses shall not exceed 110 percent of the estimated budget submitted pursuant to § 950.105(c)(1) unless approved by the Director.
(b) The PCFO may only recover campaign expenses from receipts collected for that campaign year. Expenses incurred preparing for and conducting the CFC cannot be recovered from receipts collected in the previous year's campaign. The PCFO may absorb the costs associated with conducting the campaign from its own funds and be reimbursed, or obtain a commercial loan to pay for costs associated with conducting the campaign. If the commercial loan option is used, the amount of a reasonable rate of interest is an allowable campaign expense, subject to the approval of the LFCC when the PCFO budget is submitted.
(c) The campaign expenses will be shared proportionately by all the recipient organizations reflecting their percentage share of gross campaign receipts.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 57890, Nov. 24, 1995, as amended at 71 FR 67284, Nov. 20, 2006]