950.104—Local Federal Coordinating Committee responsibilities.

(a) All members of the LFCC should develop an understanding of campaign regulations and procedures. The LFCC is the central point of information regarding the CFC among Federal employees.
(b) The responsibilities of the LFCC include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Maintaining minutes of LFCC meetings and responding promptly to any request for information from the Director.
(2) Naming a campaign chairperson and notifying the Director when the chairperson changes.
(3) Determining the eligibility of local organizations that apply to participate in the local campaign. This is the exclusive responsibility of the LFCC and may not be delegated to the PCFO.
(4) Ensuring that the list of charities determined by the Director to be nationally eligible to participate in all local campaigns is reproduced in the Charity List in accordance with OPM instructions.
(5) Ensuring that the Charity List and pledge form are produced in accordance with these regulations and instructions from the Director.
(6) Encouraging local Federal agencies to appoint loaned executives to assist in the campaign. CFC loaned executives' time should be charged to regular working hours. It is not appropriate to place a CFC loaned executive on administrative leave, leave without pay, or annual leave. Federal loaned executives are prohibited from working on non-CFC fundraising activities during duty hours.
(7) Establishing a network of employee keyworkers and volunteers and participating in interagency briefing sessions and kick-off meetings.
(8) Ensuring that, to the extent reasonably possible, every employee is given the opportunity to participate in the CFC, and ensuring employee designations are honored.
(9) Ensuring that the PCFO includes in keyworker training instructions to encourage employees to designate the charitable organizations they wish to receive their donations and specific information on how general designation monies are distributed.
(10) Ensuring that contributions are distributed in accordance with the method described in these regulations.
(11) Ensuring that no employee is coerced in any way to participate in the campaign.
(12) Bringing allegations of coercion to the attention of the Director and the employee's agency and providing a mechanism to review employee complaints of undue pressure and coercion in Federal fundraising. Federal agencies shall provide procedures and assign responsibility for the investigation of such complaints. Personnel offices shall be responsible for informing employees of the proper channels for pursuing such complaints.
(13) Notifying the Director of any significant problems or controversies concerning the campaign that the LFCC cannot resolve by applying these regulations. The LFCC must abide by the Director's decisions on all matters concerning the campaign.
(14) Ensuring the PCFO does not use the services of consulting firms, advertising firms or similar business organizations to perform the policy-making or decisionmaking functions in the CFC. A PCFO may, however, contract with entities or individuals such as banks, accountants, lawyers, and other vendors of goods and/or services to assist in accomplishing its administrative tasks.
(15) Ensuring that the activities and functions required of the PCFO are kept separate from any non-CFC operations of the organization. The LFCC must verify that the PCFO keeps and maintains CFC financial records and interest bearing bank accounts separate from the PCFO's non-CFC financial records and bank accounts.
(16) Monitoring the work of the PCFO, and inspecting closely the annual audit required of the PCFO pursuant to § 950.105(d)(9) for compliance with these regulations.
(17) Authorizing to the PCFO reimbursement of only those campaign expenses that are legitimate CFC costs and are adequately documented. Total reimbursable expenses may not exceed the approved campaign budget by more than 10 percent.
(18) Determining whether each local federation, federation member, and unaffiliated organization that applies to participate in the local campaign has completed the sanctions compliance certification required pursuant to § 950.605. The LFCC must deny participation to any federation or organization that has not completed the sanctions compliance certification.
(c) The LFCC must select a PCFO to act as its fiscal agent and campaign coordinator on the basis of presentations made to the LFCC as described in § 950.105(c). The LFCC may, in its discretion, select a PCFO to serve in that role for up to three campaign periods, subject to renewal each year following a review of performance as defined in § 950.105. The LFCC must consider the capacity of the organization to manage an efficient and effective campaign, its history of public accountability, use of funds, truthfulness and accuracy in solicitations, and sound governance and fiscal management practices as the primary factors in selecting a PCFO. The LFCC must solicit applications on a competitive basis for the PCFO no later than a date to be determined by OPM and, if the LFCC exercises discretion to enter into a multi-year arrangement, upon completion of the multi-year term. The LFCC shall solicit applications via outreach activities including: Public notice in newspapers, postings on Web sites, advertising in trade journals, dissemination among participating CFC organizations and federations, and/or outreach through local or state nonprofit associations and training centers, among others. The PCFO application period must be open a minimum of 21 calendar days. Costs incurred for soliciting applications must be added to the PCFO budget as an administrative cost.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 57890, Nov. 24, 1995, as amended at 70 FR 67341, Nov. 7, 2005; 71 FR 67284, Nov. 20, 2006]