
Administrative Expenses, PCFO Expenses, Campaign Expenses, or CFC Expenses means all documented expenses identified in the PCFO application relating to the conduct of a local CFC and approved by the LFCC in accordance with these regulations.
Campaign Period means generally a 24 month period beginning with the selection of a Principal Combined Fund Organization (PCFO) or renewal of the existing PCFO's agreement with a Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC) and ending with the final disbursements to charitable organizations participating in a local campaign.
Charity List means the official list of charities approved by OPM and the LFCC for inclusion in the CFC within a given geographic solicitation area. The Charity List will consist of three parts: the National/International part, the International part, and the Local part. Organizations that provide services, benefits, assistance, or program activities in 15 or more different states or a foreign country can choose to be listed on either the International or National/International part, except for members of a federation, which must be listed with the federation. Organizations that provide services, benefits, assistance, or program activities in 15 or more different states but no foreign countries will be listed on the National/International part. All qualifying local organizations within a CFC geographic solicitation area will be listed on the Local part associated with the campaign for that local CFC area.
Combined Federal Campaign or Campaign or CFC means the charitable fundraising program established and administered by the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) pursuant to Executive Order No. 12353, as amended by Executive Order No. 12404, and all subsidiary units of such program.
Designated Funds means those contributions which the contributor has designated to a specific charitable organization(s), federation(s), or general option(s).
Director means the Director of the Office of Personnel Management or his/her designee.
Domestic Area means the several United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.
Employee means any person employed by the Government of the United States or any branch, unit, or instrumentality thereof, including persons in the civil service, uniformed service, foreign service, and the postal service.
Federation or Federated Group means a group of voluntary charitable human health and welfare organizations created to supply common fundraising, administrative, and management services to its constituent members.
Independent Organization means a charitable organization that is not a member of a federation for the purposes of the Combined Federal Campaign.
International General Designation Option means that the donor wishes that his or her gift be distributed to all of the international organizations listed in the International Section of the Charity List in the same proportion as all of the international organizations received designations in the local CFC. This option will have the code IIII.
International Organization means a charitable organization that provides services either exclusively or in a substantial preponderance to persons in non-domestic areas.
Local Federal Coordinating Committee or LFCC means the group of Federal officials designated by the Director to conduct the CFC in a particular community.
Organization or Charitable Organization means a private, non-profit, philanthropic, human health and welfare organization.
Overseas Area means the Department of Defense (DoD) Overseas Campaign which includes all areas other than those included in the domestic area.
Principal Combined Fund Organization or PCFO means the federated group or combination of groups, or a charitable organization selected by the LFCC to administer the local campaign under the direction and control of the LFCC and the Director.
Solicitation means any action requesting money, either by cash, check or payroll deduction, on behalf of charitable organizations.
Undesignated Funds means those contributions which the contributor has not designated to a specific charitable organization(s), federation(s), or the International General Designation Option.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 57890, Nov. 24, 1995, as amended at 71 FR 67283, Nov. 20, 2006; 73 FR 8588, Feb. 14, 2008