891.202—Change of election.

(a) When used in this section, “month” includes the 4-week period for which a retired employee (other than a survivor) receives compensation.
(b) A retired employee shall change his election in accordance with the following table:
Table of Required Changes
Event requiring change Type of election to which requirement applies Change required Effective date of change
(1) Loss of member of family by death or otherwise, leaving only one person covered by the election Election for self and family for uniform or private health benefits plan Change to self alone First day of month following the event requiring change. Changes in withholdings and contributions are effective for annuity or compensation accruing for the month in which the event requiring change occurs.
(2) Termination of subscription to a private health benefits plan for all persons covered by the election but the retired employee making the election 1 Election for self and family for private health benefits plan ......do Do.
(3) Termination of subscription to a private health benefits plan for all persons covered by the election 1 Election for self alone or for self and family for private health benefits plan Change to not participating (optional change may be made in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section) Do.
1 If the termination is immediately succeeded by a similar subscription in another private health benefits plan a change of election is not required, but the retired employee shall file a certificate of the new carrier that he is a subscriber. A form for the certificate may be obtained from the retirement office.
(c) An annuitant may change his or her election in accordance with the following table by notifying his or her retirement system at any time:
Table of Optional Changes
Change permitted Type of election from which changing Effective date of change
(1) Change to not participating Election for self alone or self and family for uniform or private health benefits plan First day of month specified in notice to retirement system, or first day of month following receipt of notice by retirement system, whichever is later. Changes in withholdings and contributions are effective for annuity or compensation accruing for the month preceding the effective date of the change.
(2) Change to self alone in same plan Election for self and family for uniform plan or private health benefits plan Do.
(3) Change to private health benefits plan for self alone or self and family Election for self alone or self and family for uniform plan Do.
(4) Change to self and family in same plan Election for self alone for uniform or private health benefits plan First day of fourth month following the month in which notice is received by retirement system. Changes in withholdings and contributions are effective for annuity or compensation accruing for the third month following month in which notice is received by the retirement system.
(5) Change to self alone or self and family for uniform plan or private health benefits plan Election not to participate Do.

Code of Federal Regulations

[33 FR 12516, Sept. 4, 1968, as amended at 43 FR 35018, Aug. 8, 1978]