
(a) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a carrier that cannot reconcile its record of an individual's enrollment with agency enrollment records or does not receive documentation necessary to resolve the discrepancy from the employing office within 31 days of a request must provide written notice to the individual that the employing office of record does not show him or her as enrolled in the carrier's plan and that he or she will be disenrolled 31 calendar days after the date of the notice unless the enrollee provides appropriate documentation to resolve the discrepancy. Appropriate documentation includes, but is not limited to, a copy of the Standard Form 2809 (basic enrollment document) (or a letter confirming an electronic transaction), the Standard Form 2810 transferring the enrollment into the gaining employing office (or the equivalent electronic submission), copies of earnings and leave statements or annuity statements showing withholdings for the health benefits plan, or a document or other credible information from the enrollee's employing office stating that the individual is entitled to continued enrollment in the plan and that the premiums are being paid. After receiving documentation from the enrollee, the carrier must notify both the enrollee and the employing office of record of their decision on the information.
(2) If the carrier does not receive documentation required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section within the specified time frame, the carrier should disenroll the individual, without further notice.
(3) The enrollee may request his or her employing office to reconsider the carrier's decision to disenroll the individual. The request for reconsideration must be made in writing and must include the enrollee's name, address, Social Security Number or other personal identification number, name of carrier, reason(s) for the request, and, if applicable, retirement claim number. The employing office must notify the carrier when a request for reconsideration of the decision to disenroll the individual is made.
(4) A request for reconsideration of the carrier's decision must be filed within 60 calendar days after the date of the carrier's disenrollment notice. The time limit on filing may be extended when the individual shows that he or she was not notified of the time limit and was not otherwise aware of it, or that he or she was prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from making the request within the time limit.
(5) After reconsideration, the employing office must issue a written notice of its final decision to the individual and notify the carrier of the decision. The notice must fully set forth the findings and conclusions on which the decision was based. If upon reconsideration the employing office determines the individual is entitled to continued enrollment in the plan, the disenrollment under paragraph (a)(2) of this section is void and coverage is reinstated retroactively.
(6) If, at any time after the disenrollment has occurred, the employing office or OPM determines that another section of this part applies to the individual's enrollment or the carrier discovers or receives appropriate documentation showing that another section of this part applies to the individual's enrollment, the disenrollment under paragraph (a)(2) of this section is void and coverage is reinstated retroactively.
(b) When a carrier receives, from any reliable source, information of the death of an enrollee with a self only enrollment, the carrier may take action to disenroll the individual on the date set forth in § 890.304(a)(1)(iv) or § 890.304(b)(4), as appropriate. When the date of death is unknown, the carrier may take action to disenroll the individual on the date which is the last day of the pay period in which information of the death is received. Reliable sources include, but are not limited to, claims for hospital or physician costs incurred at time of death and correspondence returned from the Postal Service noting that the addressee is deceased. If, at any time after the disenrollment has occurred, the employing office or OPM determines that another section of this part applies to the individual's enrollment or the carrier discovers or receives appropriate documentation showing that another section of this part applies to the individual's enrollment, the disenrollment under this paragraph (b) is void and coverage is reinstated retroactively.
(c) (1) When a child survivor annuitant covered under a self only enrollment reaches age 22, the carrier may take action to disenroll the individual effective with the date set forth in § 890.304(c)(1) unless records with the carrier indicate that the child is incapable of self support due to a physical or mental disability. The carrier must provide the enrollee with a written notice of disenrollment prescribed or approved by OPM prior to the date set forth in § 890.304(c)(1).
(2) The child survivor annuitant may request the retirement system to reconsider the carrier's decision to disenroll the individual. The request for reconsideration must be made in writing and include the enrollee's name, address, Social Security Number or other identifier, name of carrier, reason(s) for the request, and the survivor annuity claim number. The retirement system must notify the carrier when a request for reconsideration of the carrier's decision to disenroll the individual is made.
(3) A request for reconsideration of the carrier's decision must be filed with the retirement system within 60 calendar days from the date of the carrier's disenrollment notice. The time limit on filing may be extended when the individual shows that he or she was not notified of the time limit and was not otherwise aware of it, or that he or she was prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from making the request within the time limit.
(4) After reconsideration, the retirement system must issue a written notice of its final decision to the child survivor annuitant and notify the carrier of the decision. The notice must fully set forth the findings and conclusions on which the decision was based. If upon reconsideration the retirement system determines that he or she is entitled to continued enrollment in the plan, the disenrollment under paragraph (c)(1) of this section is void and coverage is reinstated retroactively.
(5) If, at any time after the disenrollment has occurred, the employing office or OPM determines that another provision of this part applies to the individual's enrollment or the carrier discovers or receives appropriate documentation showing that another section of this part applies to the individual's enrollment, the disenrollment under paragraph (c)(1) of this section is void and coverage is reinstated retroactively.
(d) When an enrollee notifies the carrier that he or she has separated from Federal employment and is no longer eligible for enrollment, the carrier must disenroll the individual on the last day of the pay period in which the separation occurred, if known, otherwise the carrier must disenroll the employee on the date the employee provides as the date of separation. The carrier must provide the enrollee with a written notice of disenrollment prescribed or approved by OPM.

Code of Federal Regulations

[63 FR 59459, Nov. 4, 1998]