838.233—Termination of payments.

A former spouse portion of an employee annuity stops accruing at the earliest of—
(a) The date on which the terms of the court order require termination;
(b) (1) The last day of the first month before OPM receives a court order invalidating, vacating, or setting aside the court order submitted by the former spouse if OPM receives the latest court order no later than 20 days before the end of the month; or
(2) The last day of the month in which OPM receives a court order invalidating, vacating, or setting aside the court order submitted by the former spouse if OPM receives the latest court order than 20 days before the end of the month; or
(c) The last day of the first month after OPM receives an amended court order;
(d) The last day of the first month before the death of the retiree; or
(e) Except as provided in § 838.237, the date on which the former spouse dies.