838.1111—Amounts subject to child abuse judgment enforcement orders.

(a) Employees, retirees, and State courts may not assign CSRS and FERS benefits except as provided in this part.
(b) CSRS and FERS benefits are not subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment or other legal process except as expressly provided by Federal law.
(a) (1) Employee annuities and refunds of employee contributions are subject to child abuse enforcement orders only if all of the conditions necessary for payment of the employee annuity or refund of employee contributions to the former employee have been met, including, but not limited to—
(i) Separation from the Federal service;
(ii) Application for payment of the employee annuity or refund of employee contributions by the former employee; and
(iii) Immediate entitlement to an employee annuity or refund of employee contributions.
(2) Money held by an employing agency or OPM that may be payable at some future date is not available for payment under child abuse judgment enforcement orders.
(3) OPM cannot pay a child abuse creditor a portion of an employee annuity before the employee annuity begins to accrue.
(b) Waivers of employee annuity payments under the terms of section 8345(d) or section 8465(a) of title 5, United States Code, exclude the waived portion of the annuity from availability for payment under a child abuse judgment enforcement order if such waivers are postmarked or received before the date that OPM receives the child abuse judgment enforcement order.