792.105—Agency responsibilities.
Agencies shall establish and administer programs through which practitioners who are knowledgeable in counseling and referral services can offer and provide employees who have alcohol and/or drug problems short-term counseling and/or referrals for long-term counseling or treatment.
Agencies shall issue internal instructions implementing the requirements of 42 U.S.C. 290dd-1(a) and 290ee-1(a) and this regulation.
Whenever a manager/supervisor becomes aware that a Federal employee's use of alcohol and/or drugs may be contributing to a performance or conduct deficiency, the manager/supervisor shall recommend counseling and refer the employee to the agency counseling program. If an employee fails to participate in any rehabilitative program or, having participated, the employee fails to bring conduct or performance up to satisfactory level, the agency shall evaluate the employee accordingly and initiate an appropriate performance-based or adverse action.
As requested, agencies shall annually submit a report to OPM on their counseling activities for the past fiscal year at a time, and in a manner, set by OPM.