550.1105—Review and approval of agency regulations.

(a) Initial OPM review of agency regulations. (1) Creditor agencies must submit regulations to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for review in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5514 and this subpart prior to publication of final regulations or prior to implementation, if intragency collection procedures are not published. Submissions must be for agency-wide and/or Government-wide collections.
(2) Creditor agency regulations must contain all provisions specified in § 550.1104. If agency regulations are incomplete, OPM will return them with information as to what must be done to obtain approval.
(b) Proposed changes in salary offset regulations. If a creditor agency proposes significant changes in the regulations covering provisions specified in § 550.1104, the proposed revisions must be submitted to OPM for review and approval prior to implementation.
(c) Supplemental regulations. When a creditor agency has issued approved regulations covering the provisions specified in § 550.1104, the agency may issue any supplemental regulations or instructions, consistent with its approved regulations, which are necessary for solely internal operations, without prior OPM approval.