532.279—Special wage schedules for printing positions.

(a) The lead agency in a special printing schedule area listed in paragraph (j) of this section shall conduct special printing surveys and establish special printing schedules for positions properly allocable to the 4400 printing job familiy or the 5330 printing equipment repairing job series under FWS job grading standards.
(b) Except as provided in this section, regular appropriated fund wage survey and wage-setting procedures established in §§ 532.213 through 532.245 of this subpart shall be applicable to printing surveys and schedules.
(c) The lead agency must establish survey specifications for the printing survey as follows:
(1) The lead agency must include North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 323110 and 323114 in the printing survey and may add other NAICS codes in subsector 323 to the survey based on its survey experience.
(2) Surveys shall cover establishments with a total employment of 20 or more.
(3) A lead agency shall survey the following jobs:
Job title Job grade
Opaquer 4
Offset Press Helper 5
Bindery Machine Operator (Helper) 5
Film Assembler-Stripper (Single Flat-Single Color) 5
Platemaker (Single Color) 5
Film Assembler-Stripper (Partial and Composite Flats) 7
Platemaker (Double Exposure and Multicolor Line) 7
Offset Press Operator 8
Bindery Machine Operator (Paper Cutter) 8
Bindery Machine Operator (Power Folder) 8
Film Assembler-Stripper (Multiple Flat-Multiple Color) 8
Platemaker (Multicolor Halftones and Screen Tints) 8
Bindery Machine Operator 9
Code of Federal Regulations 451
Offset Operator (15-18 Thru 14-20) 9
Offset Operator (17-22 Thru 19-25) 9
Offset Operator (22-29 Thru 35-39) 9
Offset Operator (35-45 and Larger) 10
Offset Photographer (Halftone) 10
Negative Engraver 10
Bookbinder 10
Lithographic Pressman Multicolor (17-22 Thru 25-39) 10
Lithographic Pressman Multicolor (34-44 and Larger) 11
Offset Photographer (Process Color) 11
(d) The data collected in a special printing survey shall be considered adequate for computing paylines if the unweighted job matches for nonsupervisory jobs include at least 20 matches in the grade 1 through 5 range, 20 matches in the grade 6 through 8 range, 40 matches in the grade 9 and above range, and 60 additional matches at any grade.
(e) Each survey job used in computing printing schedule paylines must include a minimum of three unweighted matches.
(f) Special printing schedules shall have three step rates with the payline fixed at step 2. Step 1 shall be set at 96 percent of the payline rate, and step 3 shall be set at 104 percent of the payline rate.
(g) No step 3 rate on a special printing schedule shall be less than the maximum rate of the corresponding grade on the regular wage schedule for the wage area. If an adjustment is required under this provision, the payline rate of the special schedule shall be adjusted so as to provide a step 3 special schedule rate equal to the maximum rate of the corresponding regular schedule grade when the formula in paragraph (f) of this section is applied. Step 1 shall be set at 96 percent of the adjustment payline rate.
(h) The waiting period for within-grade increases under special printing schedules is 26 weeks between steps 1 and 2 and 78 weeks between steps 2 and 3.
(i) Special printing schedules shall be effective on the same date as the regular wage schedules for the authorized wage areas.
(j) A special printing schedule is authorized in the Washington, DC, wage area.

Code of Federal Regulations

[55 FR 46146, Nov. 1, 1990; as amended at 58 FR 32274, June 9, 1993; 59 FR 54787, Nov. 2, 1994; 60 FR 5312, Jan. 27, 1995; 60 FR 26341, May 17, 1995; 60 FR 46214, Sept. 6, 1995; 62 FR 67258, Dec. 24, 1997; 65 FR 50127, Aug. 17, 2000; 65 FR 55431, Sept. 14, 2000; 71 FR 35375, June 20, 2006]