
(a) Statutory authority. Chapter 43 of title 5, United States Code, provides for performance management for the Senior Executive Service (SES), the establishment of SES performance appraisal systems, and appraisal of senior executive performance. This subpart prescribes regulations for managing SES performance to implement the statutory provisions at 5 U.S.C. 4311-431 5.
(b) Purpose. The regulations in this subpart require agencies to establish performance management systems that hold senior executives accountable for their individual and organizational performance in order to improve the overall performance of Government by—
(1) Expecting excellence in senior executive performance;
(2) Linking performance management with the results-oriented goals of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993;
(3) Setting and communicating individual and organizational goals and expectations;
(4) Systematically appraising senior executive performance using measures that balance organizational results with customer, employee, or other perspectives; and
(5) Using performance results as a basis for pay, awards, development, retention, removal, and other personnel decisions.