362.204—Development, evaluation, promotion, and certification.

(a) Individual development plans. The appointing agency will approve an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for each of its Fellows and Senior Fellows that sets forth the specific developmental activities designed to impart the competencies of the occupation or functional discipline in which the Fellow or Senior Fellow is most likely to be placed. The IDP of a Senior Fellow must be approved by the appointing agency's ERB or equivalent.
(b) Required developmental activities. (1) OPM will provide orientation and graduation programs for each class or cohort of Fellows and Senior Fellows, and will provide information on available training opportunities.
(2) The appointing agency will provide each Fellow and Senior Fellow with formal classroom training during the Program:
(i) For each Fellow, the appointing agency will provide a minimum of 80 hours per year of formal classroom training that addresses the core competencies required of the occupation or functional discipline in which the Fellow will most likely be placed upon completion of the program and conversion to a full-time, permanent position.
(ii) For each Senior Fellow, the appointing agency will provide a minimum of 80 hours of formal interagency classroom training provided through an OPM-approved SES candidate development program. The OPM Director, or the Director's designee, may approve alternative sources of such training.
(3) The appointing agency will assign each Senior Fellow a mentor, who is a member of the SES (or equivalent). The mentor will assist the Senior Fellow in the development of his/her IDP.
(4) The appointing agency will provide each Fellow and Senior Fellow with at least one rotational or developmental assignment with full-time management and/or technical responsibilities consistent with the Fellow's or Senior Fellow's IDP. With respect to this requirement:
(i) (A) Each Fellow must receive at least one developmental assignment of 4 to 6 months in duration in the occupation or functional discipline in which the Fellow will most likely be placed, with full-time management and/or technical responsibilities consistent with the Fellow's IDP.
(B) In addition, the Fellow may receive other short-term rotational assignments of 1 to 6 months in duration, at the appointing agency's discretion, to occupations or functional areas different from the one in which the Fellow will most likely be placed;
(ii) Each Senior Fellow will receive at least one long-term developmental assignment of at least 9 months in duration during which time the Senior Fellow will serve with full responsibilities for accomplishing the duties of that position.
(c) Performance and progress evaluation. (1) Each Fellow and Senior Fellow will be placed on a performance plan, as prescribed by part 430 of this chapter or other applicable law or regulation, establishing performance elements and standards that are directly related to acquiring and demonstrating the various leadership, technical, and/or general competencies expected of the Fellow or Senior Fellow as well as the elements and standards established for the duties assigned.
(2) Each Fellow and Senior Fellow must receive an annual performance evaluation in accordance with the agency's performance management program. The rating is derived from an evaluation of the Fellow's or Senior Fellow's success in completing developmental activities designed to prepare the Fellow or Senior Fellow to meet the developmental and performance expectations described in his/her performance plan.
(3) If a Fellow or Senior Fellow does not meet expectations (set forth in the performance plan) with regard to his/her developmental progress or assignments, the agency may take appropriate action.
(d) Promotion. (1) An agency must establish policies and criteria for the promotion of Fellows and Senior Fellows. A Fellow may be promoted up to the GS-13 level or its equivalent. A Senior Fellow may be promoted up to the GS-15 level or its equivalent.
(2) Time-in-grade requirements in part 300 of this chapter do not apply to the promotion of Fellows or Senior Fellows while they are appointed under § 213.3102(ii) or (jj) of this chapter.
(e) Certification of completion. (1) Upon a Fellow's or Senior Fellow's completion of the Program, the appointing agency's ERB must evaluate each Fellow or Senior Fellow, as applicable, and determine whether it can certify in writing that he/she has met all of the requirements of the Program, including the performance and developmental expectations set forth in the individual's performance plan and IDP, as established by this regulation, and, if so, make that certification. In the event the OPM Director, or the Director's designee, has approved a waiver of one or more of those requirements in a particular case pursuant to § 362.205, the ERB must certify that such a waiver has been granted and that any remaining requirements were met. The mentor may be consulted during this process. Any certifications are forwarded to OPM.
(ii) Once Senior Fellows have been certified by the agency ERB, they are eligible for consideration by the QRB in the same manner as a graduate of an OPM-approved SES candidate development program.
(iii) The agency must complete its evaluation, make a decision regarding certification of successful completion, and notify the Fellow or Senior Fellow, no later than 30 calendar days prior to the expiration of the Fellow's or Senior Fellow's appointment in the Program.
(2) (i) If the ERB decides not to certify a Fellow or Senior Fellow, the Fellow or Senior Fellow may request reconsideration of that determination by the OPM Director, or the Director's designee. Such reconsideration must be requested in writing, with appropriate documentation and justification, within 15 calendar days of the date of the agency's decision.
(ii) The Fellow or Senior Fellow may continue in the Program pending the outcome of his/her request for reconsideration. The agency must continue to provide appropriate developmental activities during this period.
(iii) The OPM Director's, or the Director's designee's, determination in this regard shall be final and not subject to further review or appeal.