
For purposes of this part—
Accommodation means reasonable accommodation as described in 29 CFR 1613.704.
Arduous of hazardous positions means positions that are dangerous or physically demanding to such a degree that an incumbent's medical condition is necessarily an important consideration in determining ability to perform safely and efficiently.
Medical condition means health impairment which results from injury or disease, including psychiatric disease.
Medical documentation or documentation of a medical condition means a statement from a licensed physician or other appropriate practitioner which provides information the agency considers necessary to enable it to make an employment decision. To be acceptable, the diagnosis or clinical impression must be justified according to established diagnostic criteria and the conclusions and recommendations must not be inconsistent with generally accepted professional standards. The determination that the diagnosis meets these criteria is made by or in coordination with a physician or, if appropriate, a practitioner of the same discipline as the one who issued the statement. An acceptable diagnosis must include the following information, or parts identified by the agency as necessary and relevant:
(a) The history of the medical conditions, including references to findings from previous examinations, treatment, and responses to treatment;
(b) Clinical findings from the most recent medical evaluation, including any of the following which have been obtained: Findings of physical examination; results of laboratory tests; X-rays; EKG's and other special evaluations or diagnostic procedures; and, in the case of psychiatric evaluation of psychological assessment, the findings of a mental status examination and the results of psychological tests, if appropriate;
(c) Diagnosis, including the current clinical status;
(d) Prognosis, including plans for future treatment and an estimate of the expected date of full or partial recovery;
(e) An explanation of the impact of the medical condition on overall health and activities, including the basis for any conclusion that restrictions or accommodations are or are not warranted, and where they are warranted, an explanation of their therapeutic of risk avoiding value;
(f) An explanation of the medical basis for any conclusion which indicates the likelihood that the individual is or is not expected to suffer sudden or subtle incapacitation by carrying out, with or without accommodation, the tasks or duties of a specific position;
(g) Narrative explanation of the medical basis for any conclusion that the medical condition has or has not become static or well stabilized and the likelihood that the individual may experience sudden or subtle incapacitation as a result of the medical condition. In this context, “static or well-stabilized medical condition” means a medical condition which is not likely to change as a consequence of the natural progression of the condition, specifically as a result of the normal aging process, or in response to the work environment or the work itself. “Subtle incapacitation” means gradual, initially imperceptible impairment of physical or mental function whether reversible or not which is likely to result in performance or conduct deficiencies. “Sudden incapacitation” means abrupt onset of loss of control of physical or mental function.
Medical evaluation program means a program of recurring medical examinations or tests established by written agency policy or directive, to safeguard the health of employees whose work may subject them or others to significant health or safety risks due to occupational or environmental exposure or demands.
Medical standard is a written description of the medical requirements for a particular occupation based on a determination that a certian level of fitness of health status is required for successful performance.
Physical requirement is a written description of job-related physical abilities which are normally considered essential for successful performance in a specific position.
Physician means a licensed Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy, or a physician who is serving on active duty in the uniformed services and is designated by the uniformed service to conduct examinations under this part.
Practitioner means a person providing health services who is not a medical doctor, but who is certified by a national organization and licensed by a State to provide the service in question.