330.708—Application and selection.

(a) Application. (1) To receive this special selection priority, eligible employees must apply directly to agencies for specific vacancies in the local commuting area within the prescribed time frames, attach the appropriate proof of eligibility as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, and be determined well-qualified by the agency for the specific position.
(2) Employees may submit the following as proof of eligibility for the special selection priority:
(i) RIF separation notice, or notice of proposed removal for declining a directed reassignment or transfer of function to another commuting area;
(ii) Documentation, e.g., SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action, showing that they were separated as a result of reduction in force, or for declining a transfer of function or directed reassignment to another commuting area;
(iii) Official certification from an agency stating that it cannot place an individual whose injury compensation has been or is being terminated;
(iv) Official notification from OPM that an individual's disability annuity has been or is being terminated; or
(v) Official notification from the Military Department or National Guard Bureau that the employee has retired under 5 U.S.C. 8337(h) or 8456.
(b) Selection. In making selections, an agency will adhere to the overall order of selection set forth in § 330.705. In addition, the following apply:
(1) An agency cannot select another candidate from outside the agency if eligible employees are available for the vacancy or vacancies.
(2) If two or more eligible employees apply for a vacancy and are determined to be well-qualified, any of these eligible employees may be selected.
(3) If no eligible employees apply or none is deemed well-qualified, the agency may select another candidate without regard to this subpart. (This flexibility does not apply to selections made from the agency's Reemployment Priority List as described in subpart B of this part.)
(c) An agency may select a candidate from its Career Transition Assistance Plan or Reemployment Priority List, as described in subparts F and B of this part respectively, or another current agency employee (if no eligible employees are available through its CTAP) at any time.

Code of Federal Regulations

Effective Date Note: At 75 FR 67593, Nov. 3, 2010, part 330 was revised, effective Mar. 3, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows: PART 330—RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND PLACEMENT (GENERAL) § 330.708 ICTAP eligibility period. (a) ICTAP eligibility begins on the date the employee or former employee meets the definition of displaced in § 330.702 . (b) ICTAP eligibility ends 1 year from the date of: (1) Separation by RIF under part 351 of this chapter ; (2) Removal by the agency under part 752 of this chapter for declining a directed geographic relocation outside the local commuting area (e.g., a directed reassignment or a change in duty station); Pt. 330, Nt. (3) Agency certification that it cannot place the employee under part 353 of this chapter ; or (4) OPM notification that an employee's disability annuity has been, or will be, terminated. (c) ICTAP eligibility ends 2 years after RIF separation if eligible under subpart D of this part. (d) ICTAP eligibility also ends on the date the eligible: (1) Receives a notice rescinding, canceling, or modifying the notice which established ICTAP eligibility so that the employee no longer meets the definition of displaced in § 330.702 ; Pt. 330, Nt. (2) Separates from the agency for any reason before the RIF or removal effective date; or (3) Is appointed to a career, career-conditional, or excepted appointment without time limit in any agency at any grade or pay level. (e) OPM may extend the eligibility period when an ICTAP eligible does not receive a full 1 year (or 2 years under subpart D of this part) of eligibility, for example, because of administrative or procedural error. (f) ICTAP eligibility for a former Military Reserve Technician or National Guard Technician described in § 330.702 ends when the Technician no longer receives the special disability retirement annuity under 5 U.S.C. 8337(h) or 8456 . Pt. 330, Nt.