330.207—Selection from RPL.

(a) Options. An agency must adopt one of the selection methods in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section for use in operating a single RPL. The agency may adopt the same method for each RPL it establishes or may vary the method by location, but it must adopt a written policy for each RPL it establishes and maintains. After a method is adopted, the agency uses that method in filling all positions. While an agency may not vary the method used by individual vacancy, it may at any time switch selection methods for employees enrolled on the RPL.
(b) Retention standing order. For each vacancy to be filled, the agency shall place qualified individuals in group and subgroup order in accordance with part 351 of this chapter. In making a selection, an agency may not pass over an individual in group I to select from group II and, within a group, may not pass over an individual in a higher subgroup to select from a lower subgroup. Within a subgroup, an agency may select an individual without regard to order of retention standing. A person has no greater priority for the grade or position from which separated than any other person on the list who is qualified for the vacancy. An agency may make an exception to this selection order only in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.
(c) (1) Rating and ranking. For each vacancy to be filled, the agency rates qualified individuals according to their job experience and education. To do this, an agency shall develop job-related evaluation procedures capable of distinguishing differences in qualifications measured, which shall be applied in a fair and consistent manner. Based on these procedures, the agency shall assign qualified individuals a numerical score of at least 70 on a scale of 100. The agency shall grant 5 additional points to preference eligibles under section 2108(3 )(A) and (B) of title 5, United States Code, and 10 additional points to preference eligibles under section 2108(3) (C) through (G) of that title.
(2) Individuals with an eligible numerical score shall be ranked in the following order:
(i) Preference eligibles having a compensable service-connected disability of 10 percent or more in the order of their augmented ratings, unless the position to be filled is a professional position at and above the GS-9 level, or equivalent; and
(ii) All other qualified candidates in the order of their augmented ratings. At each score, qualified candidates eligible for 10-point preference will be entered ahead of all other eligibles, and those eligible for 5-point preference will be entered ahead of those not eligible for veteran preference.
(3) An agency must make its selection from not more than the highest three candidates available and may pass over a preference eligible to select a nonpreference eligible only as an exception under paragraph (d) of this section.
(d) Exceptions. An agency may make an exception to this subpart and appoint an individual who is not on the RPL or has lower standing than others on the RPL. The exception may be granted only when necessary to obtain an employee for duties that cannot be taken over without undue interruption (as defined in § 351.203 of this chapter) to the agency by an individual who is on the RPL or has higher standing than the one appointed. The agency shall notify, in writing, each individual on the RPL who is adversely affected by an appointment under this paragraph of the reasons for the exception and of the right of appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Code of Federal Regulations

[53 FR 45067, Nov. 8, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 3060, Jan. 13, 1995]

Code of Federal Regulations

Effective Date Note: At 75 FR 67593, Nov. 3, 2010, part 330 was revised, effective Mar. 3, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows: PART 330—RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND PLACEMENT (GENERAL) § 330.207 Registration area. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, RPL registration is limited to the local commuting area in which the eligible was, or will be, separated. (b) If the agency has, or will have, no competitive service positions remaining in the local commuting area from which the RPL eligible will be separated under part 351 of this chapter , the agency may designate a different local commuting area where there are continuing positions for the RPL eligible to exercise placement priority. The agency has sole discretion over whether to offer this option and which local commuting area to designate, taking into consideration the size and locations of its workforce, available vacancies, and available funds. Pt. 330, Nt. (c) If the RPL eligible agreed to transfer with his or her function under part 351 of this chapter but will be separated by RIF from the gaining competitive area, registration is limited to the RPL covering the gaining competitive area's local commuting area. (d) For an individual who is eligible under § 330.203(b) , registration is initially limited to the RPL covering the local commuting area of the position from which the employee was separated. The agency must establish a fair and consistent policy that permits RPL eligibles to expand their registration to available local commuting areas mutually acceptable to the RPL eligible and the agency, up to agency-wide as required by 5 U.S.C. 8151 . (For example, an agency could consider the number and location(s) of its positions and funding availability when establishing its policies on expanding consideration.) In lieu of expanded registration, the agency policy may provide for the RPL eligible to elect to receive placement priority for the next best available position in the former local commuting area. Pt. 330, Nt. (e) If the RPL eligible was, or will be, separated from an overseas position (see part 301 of this chapter ), RPL registration is limited to the local commuting area in which the eligible was, or will be, separated, unless: (1) The agency approves a written request by the RPL eligible for registration in the local commuting area from which employed for overseas service, or in another area within the United States that is mutually acceptable to the eligible and the agency; or (2) The agency has a formal program for rotating employees between overseas areas and the United States, and the RPL eligible's preceding and prospective overseas service would exceed the maximum duration of an overseas duty tour in the rotation program. In this case, the eligible may register for a local commuting area within the United States that is mutually acceptable to the eligible and the agency. Pt. 330, Nt.