330.203—Eligibility due to reduction in force.

(a) To apply for the RPL, an employee must meet all the following conditions:
(1) Be serving under an appointment in the competitive service in tenure group I or II;
(2) Have received a rating above unacceptable (level 1) as the last annual performance rating of record for part 351 purposes (except for employees in positions excluded from a performance appraisal system by law, regulation, or OPM administrative action);
(3) Have received a specific notice of separation under part 351 of this chapter, or a Certification of Expected Separation as provided in § 351.807 of this chapter; and
(4) Have not declined an offer under subpart G of part 351 of this chapter of a position with the same type of work schedule and a representative rate at least as high as that of the position from which the employee was or will be separated.
(b) At the time it gives a specific RIF notice of separation or a Certification of Expected Separation, the agency must give each eligible employee information about the RPL, including appeal rights.
(c) A tenure group I employee is eligible for the RPL for 2 years, and a tenure group II employee is eligible for 1 year, from the date the employee is entered on the RPL.
(d) (1) When an individual declines an offer of career, career-conditional, or excepted appointment without time limit or fails to reply to an inquiry, under this subpart, and the position meets the acceptable conditions shown in his or her application, he or she loses RPL consideration for all positions with a representative rate at or below that grade. However, subject to paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this section, the individual retains eligibility for positions with a higher representative rate up to the last grade held.
(2) Also, an individual is taken off the RPL before the period of eligibility expires when the individual:
(i) Requests removal;
(ii) Receives a career, career-conditional, or excepted appointment without time limit in any agency;
(iii) Declines an offer of career, career-conditional, or excepted appointment without time limit or fails to reply to an inquiry, under this subpart, by the employee's former agency, concerning a specific position having a representative rate at least as high, and with the same type of work schedule, as that of the position from which the person was or will be separated.
(iv) Separates for some other reason (such as retirement, resignation, etc.) before the date the RIF separation would take effect. An employee who retires on or after the date of separation by RIF does not lose RPL eligibility.
(v) Declines an interview or fails to appear for a scheduled interview only if notified in advance of this requirement and the subsequent consequences.
(vi) In the case of an individual enrolled on an RPL for Alaska or overseas, leaves the area covered by that RPL or becomes disqualified for overseas employment because of previous service or residence.
(3) When an agency removes an individual from the RPL because of failure to reply to a specific permanent job offer or an inquiry of availability for a specific permanent vacancy, the agency must have evidence to show that a written offer or inquiry was made (e.g., a Postal Service “return receipt signed by addressee only”). The written offer or inquiry to the individual must clearly state that failure to respond will result in loss of RPL consideration for that grade or higher grades, if eligible.
(e) Declination of nonpermanent employment has no effect on RPL eligibility or continuation of RPL consideration.
(f) Consideration for all jobs (whether permanent or nonpermanent) is suspended for any individual who cannot be reached by the agency. Submission of an updated application can reinstate consideration, but the period of eligibility is not extended beyond the original time set in paragraph (c) of this section.
(g) Eligibles who had agreed to transfer with their function but were separated by RIF from the gaining competitive area are registered on the RPL of the gaining competitive area.

Code of Federal Regulations

[53 FR 45067, Nov. 8, 1988, as amended at 57 FR 21890, May 26, 1992; 60 FR 3059, Jan. 13, 1995]

Code of Federal Regulations

Effective Date Note: At 75 FR 67593, Nov. 3, 2010, part 330 was revised, effective Mar. 3, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows: PART 330—RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND PLACEMENT (GENERAL) § 330.203 RPL Eligibility. An employee must meet the conditions in either paragraph (a) or (b) of this section to be an RPL eligible. (a) For eligibility based on part 351 of this chapter , the employee: (1) Must be serving in an appointment in the competitive service in tenure group I or II; (2) Must have received either a specific notice of separation or a Certification of Expected Separation under part 351 of this chapter that has not been cancelled, rescinded, or modified so that the employee is no longer under notice of separation; (3) Must have received a rating of record of at least fully successful (Level 3) or equivalent as the most recent performance rating of record; and (4) Must not have declined an offer under part 351 , subpart G, of this chapter of a position with the same type of work schedule and with a representative rate at least as high as that of the position from which the employee will be separated. (b) For eligibility based on part 353 of this chapter , the employee or former employee: Pt. 330, Nt. (1) Must be serving in, or separated from, an appointment in the competitive service in tenure group I or II; Pt. 330, Nt. (2) Must either have accepted a position at a lower grade or pay level in lieu of separation or have been separated because of a compensable injury or disability. (For the purposes of this subpart, any reference to the position from which an individual was or will be separated includes the position from which the RPL eligible accepted the lower graded or pay level position under this paragraph.); (3) Must have fully recovered more than 1 year after compensation began; and (4) Must have received notification from the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department of Labor, that injury compensation benefits have ceased or will cease. Pt. 330, Nt.