330.201—Establishment and maintenance of RPL.

(a) The reemployment priority list (RPL) is the mechanism agencies use to give reemployment consideration to their former competitive service employees separated by reduction in force (RIF) or fully recovered from a compensable injury after more than 1 year. The RPL is a required component of agency positive placement programs. In filling vacancies, the agency must give RPL registrants priority consideration over certain outside job applicants and, if it chooses, also may consider RPL registrants before considering internal candidates.
(b) Each agency is required to establish and maintain a reemployment priority list for each commuting area in which it separates eligible competitive service employess by RIF or when a former employee recovers from a compensable injury after more than 1 year, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section. For purposes of this subpart, agency means Executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105. All components of an agency within the commuting area utilize a single RPL and are responsible for giving priority consideration to the RPL registrants.
(c) An agency need not maintain a distinct RPL for employees separated by reduction in force if the agency operates a placement program for its employees and obtains OPM concurrence that the program satisfies the basic requirements of this subpart. The intent of this provision is to allow agencies to adopt different placement strategies that are effective for their particular programs yet satisfy legal entitlements to priority consideration in reemployment.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 3058, Jan. 13, 1995]

Code of Federal Regulations

Effective Date Note: At 75 FR 67593, Nov. 3, 2010, part 330 was revised, effective Mar. 3, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows: PART 330—RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND PLACEMENT (GENERAL) § 330.201 Purpose. (a) The Reemployment Priority List (RPL) is a required component of an agency's placement programs to assist its current and former competitive service employees who will be or were separated by reduction in force (RIF) under part 351 of this chapter , or who have recovered from a compensable work-related injury after more than 1 year, as required by part 353 of this chapter . In filling vacancies, an agency must give its RPL registrants placement priority for most competitive service vacancies before hiring someone from outside its own permanent competitive service workforce. An agency may choose to consider RPL placement priority candidates before other agency permanent competitive service employees under its Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP) established under subpart F of this part, after fulfilling agency obligations to its CTAP selection priority candidates. (b) Agencies must use an RPL to give placement priority to their: (1) Current competitive service employees with a specific notice of RIF separation or a Certification of Expected Separation issued under part 351 of this chapter ; (2) Former competitive service employees separated by RIF under part 351 of this chapter ; and Pt. 330, Nt. (3) Former competitive service employees fully recovered from a compensable injury (as defined in part 353 of this chapter ) after more than 1 year. (c) All agency components within the local commuting area use a single RPL and are responsible for giving placement priority to the agency's RPL registrants. (d) With prior OPM approval, an agency may operate an alternate placement program which satisfies the basic requirements of this subpart, including veterans' preference, as an exception to the RPL regulations under this subpart. This provision is limited to reemployment priority because of RIF separation and allows agencies to adopt different placement strategies that are effective for their programs and satisfy employee entitlements to reemployment priority. Pt. 330, Nt.