
The table below provides assistance in locating other OPM regulations in title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations that have provisions on the disclosure of records:
Type of information Location
Classification appeal records 511.616.
Classification information 175.101.
Employee performance folders 293.311.
Examination and related subjects records 300.201.
Grade and pay retention records 536.405.
Investigative records 736.104.
Job grading reviews and appeals records 532.707.
Medical information 297.205 and 293 subpart E.
Official Personnel Folders 293.311.
Privacy and personnel records 297.
Retirement 831.106 and 841.108.

Code of Federal Regulations

[54 FR 25098, June 13, 1989, as amended at 58 FR 32046, June 8, 1993; 70 FR 31286, May 31, 2005]