250.202—Office of Personnel Management responsibilities.

(a) As the President's chief human capital officer, the Director of OPM provides Governmentwide leadership and direction in the strategic management of the Federal workforce.
(b) To execute this critical leadership responsibility, OPM adopts the Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework (HCAAF) to describe the concepts and systems for planning, implementing, and evaluating the results of human capital management policies and practices. See Appendix. In addition, OPM adopts the related set of assessment systems required by the CHCO Act as the HCAAF Systems, Standards, and Metrics (HCAAF-SSM), also included in the Appendix. Each such assessment system associated with the HCAAF consists of:
(1) A standard against which agencies can assess the results of their management of human capital; and
(2) Prescribed metrics, as appropriate, for organizational outcomes, employee perspective, and compliance measures with respect to relevant laws, rules and regulations.
(c) Together, the HCAAF and the HCAAF-SSM guide agencies in planning, evaluating and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of agency human capital management with respect to:
(1) Alignment with executive branch policies and priorities, as well as with individual agency missions, goals, and program objectives, including the extent to which human capital management strategies are integrated into agency strategic plans and performance budgets prepared under OMB Circular A-11;
(2) Identifying and closing competency/skill gaps in the agency's mission-critical occupations; ensuring leadership continuity through the implementation of recruiting, development, and succession plans; sustaining an agency culture that values, elicits, identifies, and rewards high performance; and developing and implementing a knowledge management strategy, supported by appropriate investment in training and technology; and
(3) Holding the agency head, executives, managers and human resources officers accountable for efficient and effective human capital management, in accordance with merit system principles.