2424.23—Post-petition conferences; conduct and record.

(a) Timing of post-petition conference. On receipt of a petition for review involving a proposal or a provision, a representative of the FLRA will, where appropriate, schedule a post-petition conference to be conducted by telephone or in person. All reasonable efforts will be made to schedule and conduct the conference within ten (10) days after receipt of the petition for review.
(b) Conduct of conference. The post-petition conference will be conducted with representatives of the exclusive representative and the agency, who must be prepared and authorized to discuss, clarify and resolve matters including the following:
(1) The meaning of the proposal or provision in dispute;
(2) Any disputed factual issue(s);
(3) Negotiability dispute objections and bargaining obligation claims regarding the proposal or provision;
(4) Whether the proposal or provision is also involved in an unfair labor practice charge under part 2423 of this subchapter, in a grievance under the parties' negotiated grievance procedure, or an impasse procedure under part 2470 of this subchapter; and
(5) Whether an extension of the time limits for filing the agency's statement of position and any subsequent filings is requested. The FLRA representative may, on determining that it will effectuate the purposes of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, 5 U.S.C. 7101 et seq., and this part, extend such time limits.
(c) Record of the conference. At the post-petition conference, or after it has been completed, the representative of the FLRA will prepare and serve on the parties a written statement that includes whether the parties agree on the meaning of the disputed proposal or provision, the resolution of any disputed factual issues, and any other appropriate matters.