1206.6—Decision to close meeting.
(a) Basis.
The Board, by majority vote, may decide to close a meeting in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(1) to 552b(c)(10) when closing the meeting is in the public interest.
(b) General Counsel certification.
For every meeting that is closed to the public in whole or in part, the General Counsel will certify that closing the meeting is proper, and will state the basis for that opinion.
(c) Vote.
Within one day after voting to close a meeting, the Board will make publicly available a record reflecting the vote of each member. In addition, within one day after any vote to close a portion or portions of a meeting to the public, the Board will make publicly available a full written explanation of its decision to close the meeting, together with a list naming all persons expected to attend the meeting and identifying their affiliation, unless that disclosure would reveal the information that the meeting was closed to protect.