821.64—Judicial review.

(a) General. Judicial review of a final order of the Board may be sought as provided in 49 U.S.C. 1153 and 46110 by the filing of a petition for review with the appropriate United States Court of Appeals within 60 days of the date of entry (i.e., service date) of the Board's order. Under the applicable statutes, any party may appeal the Board's decision. The Board is not a party in interest in such appellate proceedings and, accordingly, does not typically participate in the judicial review of its decisions. In matters appealed by the Administrator, the other parties should anticipate the need to make their own defense.
(b) Stay pending judicial review. No request for a stay pending judicial review will be entertained if it is received by the Board after the effective date of the Board's order (see § 821.50(b) ). If a stay action is to be timely, any request must be filed sufficiently in advance of the effective date of the Board's order to allow for a reply and Board review.