821.54—Petition for review of Administrator's determination of emergency.

(f) Effect of law judge's ruling. If the law judge grants the petition, the effectiveness of the Administrator's order shall be stayed until final disposition of the respondent's appeal by a law judge or by the Board. In such cases, the remaining provisions of this subpart ( §§ 821.55-821.57) shall continue to apply, unless the respondent, with the Administrator's consent, waives their applicability. If the petition is denied, the Administrator's order shall remain in effect, and the remaining provisions of this subpart shall continue to apply, unless their applicability is waived by the respondent. The law judge's ruling on the petition shall be final, and is not appealable to the Board. However, in the event of an appeal to the Board from a law judge's decision on the merits of the emergency or other immediately effective order, the Board may, at its discretion, note, in its order disposing of the appeal, its views on the law judge's ruling on the petition, and such views shall serve as binding precedent in all future cases.