580.11—Petition for approval of alternate disclosure requirements.

(c) Notice of the petition and an initial determination pending a 30-day comment period will be published in the Federal Register. Notice of final grant or denial of a petition for approval of alternate motor vehicle disclosure requirements will be published in the Federal Register. The effect of the grant of a petition is to relieve a State from responsibility to conform the State disclosure requirements with § 580.5, § 580.7, or § 580.13(f), as applicable, for as long as the approved alternate disclosure requirements remain in effect in that State. The effect of a denial is to require a State to conform to the requirements of § 580.5, § 580.7 or § 580.13(f), as applicable, of this part until such time as the NHTSA approves any alternate motor vehicle disclosure requirements.
[53 FR 29476, Aug. 5, 1988, as amended at 56 FR 47686, Sept. 20, 1991]