572.189—Instrumentation and test conditions.

(a) The test probe for lateral shoulder, thorax without arm, abdomen, and pelvis impact tests is the same as that specified in § 572.36(a) and the impact probe has a minimum mass moment of inertia in yaw of 9,000 kg-cm 2, a free air resonant frequency not less than 1,000 Hz and the probe's end opposite to the impact face has provisions to mount an accelerometer with its sensitive axis collinear with the longitudinal axis of the probe. All hardware attached directly to the impactor and one-third ( 1/3) of the mass of the suspension cables must be included in the calculations of the total impactor mass. The sum mass of the attachments and 1/3 cable mass must not exceed 5 percent of the total pendulum mass. No suspension hardware, suspension cables, or any other attachments to the test probe, including velocity vane, shall make contact with the dummy during the test.
Tm = 1.417 ms for the Neck Test
= 1.588 ms for the Lumbar Spine Test