391.49—Alternative physical qualification standards for the loss or impairment of limbs.

(a) A person who is not physically qualified to drive under § 391.41(b)(1) or (b)(2) and who is otherwise qualified to drive a commercial motor vehicle, may drive a commercial motor vehicle, if the Division Administrator, FMCSA, has granted a Skill Performance Evaluation (SPE) Certificate to that person.
(8) A medical evaluation summary pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of this section, if an unstable medical condition exists. All handicapped conditions classified under § 391.41(b)(1) are considered unstable. Refer to paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section for the condition under § 391.41(b)(2) which may be considered medically stable.
Skill Performance Evaluation Certificate
Name of Issuing Agency:
Agency Address:
Telephone Number: ()
Issued Under 49 CFR 391.49, subchapter B of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Driver's Name:
Effective Date:
Expiration Date:
Driver Disability:
Check One:_New_Renewal
Driver's License:_____
In accordance with 49 CFR 391.49, subchapter B of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), the driver application for a skill performance evaluation (SPE) certificate is hereby granted authorizing the above-named driver to operate in interstate or foreign commerce under the provisions set forth below. This certificate is granted for the period shown above, not to exceed 2 years, subject to periodic review as may be found necessary. This certificate may be renewed upon submission of a renewal application. Continuation of this certificate is dependent upon strict adherence by the above-named driver to the provisions set forth below and compliance with the FMCSRs. Any failure to comply with provisions herein may be cause for cancellation.
CONDITIONS: As a condition of this certificate, reports of all accidents, arrests, suspensions, revocations, withdrawals of driver licenses or permits, and convictions involving the above-named driver shall be reported in writing to the Issuing Agency by the EMPLOYING MOTOR CARRIER within 30 days after occurrence.
1. Vehicle Type (power unit):*
2. Vehicle modification(s):
3. Prosthetic or Orthotic device(s) (Required to be Worn While Driving):
4. Additional Provision(s):
NOTICE: To all MOTOR CARRIERS employing a driver with an SPE certificate. This certificate is granted for the operation of the power unit only. It is the responsibility of the employing motor carrier to evaluate the driver with a road test using the trailer type(s) the motor carrier intends the driver to transport, or in lieu of, accept the trailer road test done during the SPE if it is a similar trailer type(s) to that of the prospective motor carrier. Also, it is the responsibility of the employing motor carrier to evaluate the driver for those non-driving safety-related job tasks associated with the type of trailer(s) utilized, as well as, any other non-driving safety-related or job-related tasks unique to the operations of the employing motor carrier.
The SPE of the above named driver was given by a Skill Performance Evaluation Program Specialist. It was successfully completed utilizing the above named power unit and ________ (trailer, if applicable)
The tractor or truck had a ________ transmission.
Please read the NOTICE paragraph above.
[65 FR 25287, May 1, 2000, as amended at 65 FR 59380, Oct. 5, 2000; 67 FR 61824, Oct. 2, 2002]