385.803—Definitions and acronyms.

(a) The definitions in subpart A of this part and part 390 of this chapter apply to this subpart, except where otherwise specifically noted.
Appendix C violation means a violation of any of the regulations listed in appendix C to part 385 of this chapter.
Electronic on-board recording device (EOBR) means an electronic device that is capable of recording a driver's duty hours of service and duty status accurately and automatically and that meets the requirements of § 395.16 of this chapter.
Final determination for purposes of part 385, subpart J means:
Proposed determination of unfitness or proposed unfitness determination means a determination by FMCSA that a motor carrier will not meet the safety fitness standard under § 385.5 on a specified future date unless the carrier takes the actions necessary to comply with the terms of a remedial directive issued under this subpart.
Remedial directive means a mandatory instruction from FMCSA to take one or more specified action(s) as a condition of demonstrating safety fitness under 49 U.S.C. 31144(b).
Threshold rate violation for the purposes of this subpart means a violation rate for any appendix C regulation equal to or greater than 10 percent of the number of records reviewed.