266.19—Environmental impact.

(1) The action is not likely to be environmentally controversial from the point of view of people living within the environment affected by the action or controversial with respect to the availability of adequate relocation housing;
(2) The action is not inconsistent with any Federal, State, or local law, regulation, ordinance, or judicial or administrative determination relating to environmental protection;
(3) The action will not have any significant adverse impact in any natural, cultural, recreational, or scenic environment(s) in which the action takes place, or on the air or water quality or ambient noise levels of such environment(s);
(4) The action will not: use 4(f)-protected properties; adversely affect properties under section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act; involve new construction location in a wetlands area; or affect a base floodplain;
(5) The action will not cause a significant short- or long-term increase in traffic congestion, or other significant adverse environmental impact on any mode of transportation;
(6) The action is not an integral part of a program of actions which, when considered separately, would not be classified as major FRA actions, but when considered together would be so classified; and
(7) Environmental assessment or documentation is not required by any Federal law, regulation, guideline, order, or judicial or administrative determination other than this part.