
As used in this part—
Adjacent rail modes of transportation means other railroads, trolleys, light rail, heavy transit, and other vehicles operating on rails or electromagnetic guideways which are expressly identified in a railroad's emergency preparedness plan.
Administrator means the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration or the Administrator's delegate.
Control center means a central location on a railroad with responsibility for directing the safe movement of trains.
Crewmember means a person, other than a passenger, who is assigned to perform either:
Division headquarters means the location designated by the railroad where a high-level operating manager (e.g., a superintendent, division manager, or equivalent), who has jurisdiction over a portion of the railroad, has an office.
Emergency or emergency situation means an unexpected event related to the operation of passenger train service involving a significant threat to the safety or health of one or more persons requiring immediate action, including:
Emergency preparedness plan means one or more documents focusing on preparedness and response in dealing with a passenger train emergency.
Emergency responder means a member of a police or fire department, or other organization involved with public safety charged with providing or coordinating emergency services, who responds to a passenger train emergency.
Emergency window means that segment of a side facing glazing location which has been designed to permit rapid and easy removal in an emergency situation.
FRA means the Federal Railroad Administration.
Joint operations means rail operations conducted by more than one railroad on the same track, except as necessary for the purpose of interchange, regardless of whether such operations are the result of:
Passenger train service means the transportation of persons (other than employees, contractors, or persons riding equipment to observe or monitor railroad operations) by railroad in intercity passenger service or commuter or other short-haul passenger service in a metropolitan or suburban area.
Person includes all categories of entities covered under 1 U.S.C. 1, including, but not limited to, a railroad; any manager, supervisor, official, or other employee or agent of a railroad; any owner, manufacturer, lessor, or lessee of railroad equipment, track, or facilities; any passenger; any trespasser or nontrespasser; any independent contractor providing goods or services to a railroad; any volunteer providing goods or services to a railroad; and any employee of such owner, manufacturer, lessor, lessee, or independent contractor.
Private car means a rail passenger car used to transport non-revenue passengers on an occasional contractual basis, and includes business or office cars and circus trains.
Qualified means a status attained by an employee who has successfully completed any required training for, has demonstrated proficiency in, and has been authorized by the employer to perform the duties of a particular position or function involving emergency preparedness.
Railroad means:
Railroad officer means any supervisory employee of a railroad.
System headquarters means the location designated by the railroad as the general office for the railroad system.