23.3—What do the terms used in this part mean?

Administrator means the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Affiliation has the same meaning the term has in the Small Business Administration (SBA) regulations, 13 CFR part 121, except that the provisions of SBA regulations concerning affiliation in the context of joint ventures ( 13 CFR § 121.103(f)) do not apply to this part.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in 13 CFR part 121, concerns are affiliates of each other when, either directly or indirectly:
Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) means a concession that is a for-profit small business concern—
Car dealership means an establishment primarily engaged in the retail sale of new and/or used automobiles. Car dealerships frequently maintain repair departments and carry stocks of replacement parts, tires, batteries, and automotive accessories. Such establishments also frequently sell pickup trucks and vans at retail. In the standard industrial classification system, car dealerships are categorized in NAICS code 441110.
Concession means one or more of the types of for-profit businesses listed in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition:

Code of Federal Regulations

Example to paragraph (2): A supplier of goods or a management contractor maintains its office or primary place of business off the airport. However the supplier provides goods to a retail establishment in the airport; or the management contractor operates the parking facility on the airport. These businesses are considered concessions for purposes of this part.

Concessionaire means a firm that owns and controls a concession or a portion of a concession.
Department (DOT) means the U.S. Department of Transportation, including the Office of the Secretary and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Direct ownership arrangement means a joint venture, partnership, sublease, licensee, franchise, or other arrangement in which a firm owns and controls a concession.
Good faith efforts means efforts to achieve an ACDBE goal or other requirement of this part that, by their scope, intensity, and appropriateness to the objective, can reasonably be expected to meet the program requirement.
Immediate family member means father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or registered domestic partner.
Indian tribe means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians, including any ANC, which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians, or is recognized as such by the State in which the tribe, band, nation, group, or community resides. See definition of “tribally-owned concern” in this section.
Joint venture means an association of an ACDBE firm and one or more other firms to carry out a single, for-profit business enterprise, for which the parties combine their property, capital, efforts, skills and knowledge, and in which the ACDBE is responsible for a distinct, clearly defined portion of the work of the contract and whose shares in the capital contribution, control, management, risks, and profits of the joint venture are commensurate with its ownership interest. Joint venture entities are not certified as ACDBEs.
Large hub primary airport means a commercial service airport that has a number of passenger boardings equal to at least one percent of all passenger boardings in the United States.
Management contract or subcontract means an agreement with a recipient or another management contractor under which a firm directs or operates one or more business activities, the assets of which are owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the recipient. The managing agent generally receives, as compensation, a flat fee or a percentage of the gross receipts or profit from the business activity. For purposes of this subpart, the business activity operated or directed by the managing agent must be other than an aeronautical activity, be located at an airport subject to this subpart, and be engaged in the sale of consumer goods or provision of services to the public.
Material amendment means a significant change to the basic rights or obligations of the parties to a concession agreement. Examples of material amendments include an extension to the term not provided for in the original agreement or a substantial increase in the scope of the concession privilege. Examples of nonmaterial amendments include a change in the name of the concessionaire or a change to the payment due dates.
Medium hub primary airport means a commercial service airport that has a number of passenger boardings equal to at least 0.25 percent of all passenger boardings in the United States but less than one percent of such passenger boardings.
Native Hawaiian means any individual whose ancestors were natives, prior to 1778, of the area that now comprises the State of Hawaii.
Native Hawaiian Organization means any community service organization serving Native Hawaiians in the State of Hawaii that is a not-for-profit organization chartered by the State of Hawaii, and is controlled by Native Hawaiians
Noncompliance means that a recipient has not correctly implemented the requirements of this part.
Nonhub primary airport means a commercial service airport that has more than 10,000 passenger boardings each year but less than 0.05 percent of all passenger boardings in the United States.
Part 26 means 49 CFR part 26, the Department of Transportation's disadvantaged business enterprise regulation for DOT-assisted contracts.
Personal net worth means the net value of the assets of an individual remaining after total liabilities are deducted. An individual's personal net worth does not include the following: The individual's ownership interest in an ACDBE firm or a firm that is applying for ACDBE certification; the individual's equity in his or her primary place of residence; and other assets that the individual can document are necessary to obtain financing or a franchise agreement for the initiation or expansion of his or her ACDBE firm (or have in fact been encumbered to support existing financing for the individual's ACDBE business), to a maximum of $3 million. An individual's personal net worth includes only his or her own share of assets held jointly or as community property with the individual's spouse.
Primary airport means a commercial service airport that the Secretary determines to have more than 10,000 passengers enplaned annually.
Primary industry classification means the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code designation that best describes the primary business of a firm. The NAICS Manual is available through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce (Springfield, VA, 22261). NTIS also makes materials available through its Web site (http://www.ntis.gov/naics ).
Primary recipient means a recipient to which DOT financial assistance is extended through the programs of the FAA and which passes some or all of it on to another recipient.
Principal place of business means the business location where the individuals who manage the firm's day-to-day operations spend most working hours and where top management's business records are kept. If the offices from which management is directed and where business records are kept are in different locations, the recipient will determine the principal place of business for ACDBE program purposes.
Race-conscious means a measure or program that is focused specifically on assisting only ACDBEs, including women-owned ACDBEs. For the purposes of this part, race-conscious measures include gender-conscious measures.
Race-neutral means a measure or program that is, or can be, used to assist all small businesses, without making distinctions or classifications on the basis of race or gender.
Secretary means the Secretary of Transportation or his/her designee.
Set-aside means a contracting practice restricting eligibility for the competitive award of a contract solely to ACDBE firms.
Small Business Administration or SBA means the United States Small Business Administration.
Small business concern means a for profit business that does not exceed the size standards of § 23.33 of this part.
Small hub airport means a publicly owned commercial service airport that has a number of passenger boardings equal to at least 0.05 percent of all passenger boardings in the United States but less than 0.25 percent of such passenger boardings.
Socially and economically disadvantaged individual means any individual who is a citizen (or lawfully admitted permanent resident) of the United States and who is—
Recipient means any entity, public or private, to which DOT financial assistance is extended, whether directly or through another recipient, through the programs of the FAA.
Tribally-owned concern means any concern at least 51 percent owned by an Indian tribe as defined in this section.
You refers to a recipient, unless a statement in the text of this part or the context requires otherwise (i.e., “You must do XYZ” means that recipients must do XYZ).
[70 FR 14508, Mar. 22, 2005, as amended at 72 FR 15616, Apr. 2, 2007]