222.41—How does this rule affect Pre-Rule Quiet Zones and Pre-Rule Partial Quiet Zones?

(a) Pre-Rule Quiet Zones that will be established by automatic approval. (1) A Pre-Rule Quiet Zone may be established by automatic approval and remain in effect, subject to § 222.51, if the Pre-Rule Quiet Zone is in compliance with §§ 222.35 (minimum requirements for quiet zones) and 222.43 of this part (notice and information requirements) and:
(b) Pre-Rule Partial Quiet Zones that will be established by automatic approval. (1) A Pre-Rule Partial Quiet Zone may be established by automatic approval and remain in effect, subject to § 222.51, if the Pre-Rule Partial Quiet Zone is in compliance with §§ 222.35 (minimum requirements for quiet zones) and 222.43 of this part (notice and information requirements) and:
(ii) In the event that the safety improvements planned for the quiet zone require approval of FRA under § 222.39(b) of this part, the public authority should apply for such approval prior to December 24, 2007, to ensure that FRA has ample time in which to review such application prior to the end of the extension period.