219.203—Responsibilities of railroads and employees.

(a) Employees tested. (1) Following each accident and incident described in § 219.201, the railroad (or railroads) must take all practicable steps to assure that all covered employees of the railroad directly involved in the accident or incident provide blood and urine specimens for toxicological testing by FRA. Such employees must cooperate in the provision of specimens as described in this part and Appendix C to this part.
(3) An employee must be excluded from testing under the following circumstances: In any case of an accident/incident for which testing is mandated only under § 219.201(a)(2) (an “impact accident”), § 219.201(a)(3) (“fatal train incident”), or § 219.201(a)(4) (a “passenger train accident with injury”) if the railroad representative can immediately determine, on the basis of specific information, that the employee had no role in the cause(s) or severity of the accident/incident. The railroad representative must consider any such information immediately available at the time the qualifying event determination is made under § 219.201.
(4) Covered employees who may be subject to testing under this subpart must be retained in duty status for the period necessary to make the determinations required by § 219.201 and this section and (as appropriate) to complete the specimen collection procedure. An employee may not be recalled for testing under this subpart if that employee has been released from duty under the normal procedures of the railroad, except that an employee may be immediately recalled for testing if—
(ii) The railroad's preliminary investigation (contemporaneous with the determination required by § 219.201) indicates a clear probability that the employee played a major role in the cause or severity of the accident/incident; and